Thursday, August 30, 2012

G@ And O3S Software Technologies.

G@ and O3S are a combined language and operating system and it is significant. So much so that the development and construction needs of the future and also artificial intelligence of the scale that I envision would not be humanly possible. It is an unorthodox approach to computer operating fundamentals that is based entirely on my vision of what should be. It is a highly optimized approach to ultimate execution efficiency such as is desired for applications based on physics mathematical modeling, vCAD 3D, multimedia, and artificial intelligence yet is flexible enough to do any computing task desired.

I call O3S (Object Oriented Operating System) a generic operating system. This is a serious OS for people who want a system that is easy to learn, fast, reliable and that you can quickly become highly productive with. Actually intended for the Quanto processor being developed by Mescitadel Think Tank and is being considered for adapting to the the Intel x86_64 platform and a boot loader for O3S is already under development.

The human interface logic of O3S has been thoroughly re-engineered and this is most notable in O3Sf, the O3S fixed media (disk) file system. This constitutes an entirely new approach to the concept and arrangement and security of data files. However the typical FAT file system will be supported for removable media.

You might be surprised at just how unusual the O3S kernel actually is. At the heart of the kernel is a function I call the whirlpool. The time slice allocator. The backbone of this function is the view z order table. The purpose of this is to require every view/process to have some sort of view. However the main purpose of the concept is to create maximum efficiency in system task execution loading. Also an entirely new inter process communication system will be utilized and what this means is that applications will have no access what so ever to system call gates thus maximizing security in this vulnerable area. And furthermore improvements are being made in multiple core management.

I call O3S a mil-spec OS. Security is stringent and when used in conjunction with specialized Quanto hardware it will be better than what you can find anywhere else. In O3S every v/p is seen with some sort of view even if it is only a thumbnail. If some sort of spyware or such tries to become a hidden process then it will get no execution time. For any spyware or virusi to corrupt an O3S system would indeed be most difficult. The O3S shell takes unorthodox approaches to nearly every significant thing it does. For a successful invasion malware must not only corrupt the kernel but also every application on the system or it will be discovered.

The fact is O3S takes an entirely new approach to the concept of system registry. It is a simple system requiring all executables to have a passkey and yet properly organized so that copy and drop onto your fixed media (disk) is readily supported. No headaches and no confusion and no invasion. Setting the passkey is a simple process of loading the executable as a file into a special editor and setting the passkey.

Of course those of you exercised in vision and thought would readily see that this could cause stress to say the least in establishing and intra-net connection. Ah yes the intra-net, where the convenience of plug-ins and cookies are the antithesis of security and by the way, if you should try to track all of these every time you log on you would find yourself quickly overwhelmed. Public acceptance of a system such as O3S could indeed effect the evolution of the intra-net in a positive way yet what would we all do without the latest gripping excitement of a new virus hacking its way through the system I say tongue in cheek. A typical O3S system could easily do what people really want from the intra-net.

G@ (G Object Associations) is the language used in O3S and it supports @bject which is fundamentally a class/function in other languages. G@ also supports a unique version of polymorphism and also networks of @bjecti through the netw@rk keyword. This is a high level language but it also supports an assembler I call G@sm that can make use of labels and simple variable types. When desired their is also a lower level of programing I call G@ntel which is basicly a simplifying extension of the x86 opcode set. Development of the G@ language, universal document based editor and programming project system is virtually complete.

To be more precise in this subject of software programming the development of a functional concept is always the primary goal of the task and after this is done you code it in and doing this isn't so difficult. Thus the functional concept is how it works. However some significant priority readjustments are being made that could add some years before system completion. This time estimation is taking into allowance several other concurrent technology development projects being contemplated at Mescitadel Think Tank.

G@, O3S and O3i! are on the way to becoming the ultimate in computer science. They were created with a singular vision perfection and planning for greater things. The work on G@ and O3S are progressing well and as with all technology, it possesses accelerating progression. What this means is the more it progresses the faster it will progress more. Significant advances have been made that will accelerate the developmental time line of O3S.

This report is provided for information purposes only, as to the progress of development of critical operational technology of computer systems.

Quanto, @on,  G@, @3S, O3Sf, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.

Further definitions of artificial intelligence terms are as follows. O3i! (Object Oriented Operating Intelligence) is the primary artificial intelligence project of Mescitadel Think Tank and the software intelligence data base of a machine is often referred to as the 'id'. The term 'robot' is used to describe a distinctly non human machine with human intelligence such as R2D2 for example. The term 'droid' is used to describe a machine similar to man but still distinctly a machine such as C3PO for example. The term 'android' is used to describe a distinctly precise human replicate that cannot be determined to be non human without careful examination and an example of such would be science fiction's 'terminator'. Robots and droids are the primary interest of Mescitadel Think Tank.