Sunday, December 16, 2012

Year In Review.

This has been a different year. First I will reveal that this has been a record setting year for audience to this website. Then however quite abruptly I received orders from God himself to begin restructuring and relocating. Yes indeed I'm a genuine seer and prophet and the visions and revelations here of late have been of such frequency and intensity of the likes that I haven't experienced since the days such saved America from the Clinton coup attempt which by the way created conditions and legal protections that are still quite active today despite the passage of time. So lately I have been quite preoccupied with the planning and implementation required for fulfilling my orders. This is the reason I give for my recent absence. He has not told me every reason why.

So in my curiosity as to the hidden whys I turned back to older revelations, many of which it has been some time since I discussed them. One that sticks out prominently is how eventually I will face almost daily attempts of assassination upon my person, sometimes under the conditions of being significantly out numbered. These are from visions I received and also it was spoken of in a prophecy from a beyond life experiences film I saw more than 30 years ago (more details can be found in the left column) which all say that these attempts will fail.

Like Samson in the midst of the Philistines. To date I have had a drone shine its targeting laser upon my person and twice a local Air Force Special Operations unit has flown aggressive air operations directly overhead. The message is clear and in direct fulfillment of prophecy showing to all just who and what they are. The devils, the anti-Christ and the beast steeped in rebellion against their Maker and his servant. So with nerves of steel and a stone faced resolve I stick to my purpose under conditions that would put others in the fetal position. Being a Messian I have talked with God however he never talks to Paulines so many of you will not understand this. I have seen the other side and I have no fear of it along with the certain knowledge of knowing that I am right. The prophecy says what it says but my desire is to fulfill the expectation of God and never to kill anyone.

So where might I go? Well the best way to say it now is I'll be anywhere and everywhere. One of the ideas I have considered is going to sea and for legal and security reasons, originating this message from international waters towards any nation that is convenient at the time instead of the current origin of from within the United States. Never the less I will never renounce my free born American citizenship because of the legal protections it affords, for now that is but I expect that eventually we'll all lose these protections about the same time. Another idea is I should relocate to 'gator territory. Ah yes the alligator! These would make excellent dragons for a moat would they not! And considering what the prophecy says they would perform the added benefit of cleaning up the debris and keep the armed night crawlers at a distance.

Never to forget this message of this website is the truth although I'll admit that sometimes my skill in delivering this message is lacking. Those who are Messian will have the thrill of being able to escape the terror of the beast but more important is the true message of God and his Son Jesus in that it is possible to have romantic love that lasts forever but you must believe in it and submit to his laws which, by the way, are never subject to the approval of man. Only male virgin can have female virgin or the madness and insanity of loss from which there is no escaping. So therefore I take great personal risk to save YOU from this insanity that would certainly come from ignorance of this vital message.

Yours truly,

Michael the Archangel

Merry Christmas!!