Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Times Of Jesus And Paul The 13th Apostle.

To understand my works about the Apostle Paul first you must understand the times in which he lived. The teachings of Jesus centered around the one Hebrew God and loyalty to him alone with his laws of self control while the Roman Empire taught religious tolerance having a multitude of Gods with names like Apollo and Mercury and so forth, none of which are taken seriously anymore.

Yes they were tolerant to any religious belief except the God of Jesus because the God of Jesus was not tolerant to any of the Roman Gods. Their was little in the way of laws of self control in Rome and even sexual deviancy of the straight and homosexual variety was a form of worship to some of their Idols.

   AC 18:14 Just as Paul was about to speak, Gallio said to the Jews, "If you Jews were making a complaint about some misdemeanor or serious crime, it would be reasonable for me to listen to you. [15] But since it involves questions about words and names and your own law--settle the matter yourselves. I will not be a judge of such things." 

When Rome conquered Israel they had a unique difficulty to overcome. This difficulty centered around the fact that the Jews believed their God was the King and would never submit to the domination of a heathen government. So in order to avoid endless rebellion and insurrection, Rome allowed the Jews to have religious autonomy and settled on satisfying themselves with the taxes they collected.

This situation became much more intriguing with the coming of Jesus because his followers were the same way and more yet were determined to spread their doctrine throughout all the known world. These were the two religious factions of the day and neither got along well with the other side. This often resulted in face slapping and duels to the death in the streets. Moreover the followers of Jesus were separatists wanting nothing to do with those who refused their beliefs. Although they were not engaged in any plot against Rome they were looked at as a rebellion because Rome was falling apart.

Rome was a Republic to about the times of Jesus but was turning more and more to the emperors as a means of silencing the voices of the disciples of Jesus. Rome became desperate to destroy the philosophy of Jesus and began to inflict extreme tyranny on his followers by often times killing any who professed his views, or gang raping them to pollute them within their religion. This was often driven by the rage of envy and I explain this and the second chancer at this web site from time to time.

But this also included some very clever propaganda friendly to Rome and written in a way to shift peoples beliefs in a way they didn't readily perceive. This propaganda was often a populist message that played on peoples fears and desires for peace and the desire to have a conscience free of conviction.

Thus I have presented my indictment of the Apostle Paul in a series of posts. Given the chance I can prove my point.