O3S (Object Oriented Operating System) is the future in computer software and development in this technology is progressing splendidly and it is vital in making the vCAD Micro Lithograph a practical reality. Being object oriented is not entirely unique to O3S since popular OSi on the market take an object oriented approach on the surface. But how it works underneath is where the superiority of O3S begins to show plus the fact that this supports the concept of executable docking.
In O3S the typical application is of the type *run* and I say it this way because O3S does not use .EXTsions in media files and also of note I use media instead of disk to indicate a storage device and the reason why is because a flash device is not a disk. Well anyway their is another type of executable that is of the type *dock* which is not usually a stand alone application because it is intended to add functionality to an application in a modular way. This is the very nature of the object oriented approach to computing.
Here's an example. Take the typical document processor of O3S that uses the universal document interface which is a stand alone application. Universal document is of course a full word processor with a full bitmap background for any type of image containment and when run under Windows it is of the file type .udoc. But in O3S you can take a G@ programming system toolbar and dock it onto the universal document processor and viola! You have a full G@ programming system with compiler and all the tools.
Universal Document under O3S is capable of accepting many such docks and this shows actually how this concept can be used to manage clutter allowing you to detach and remove docks that you aren't using. This is an important point especially for vCAD which is being designed to have many such docks and uses the universal document interface. Such docks can include those for electronics and components. My current research interests center around micro electronics and I expect that to remain so for several years, and I hope to report significant advances over the next year.
It is my intention to make my very first vCAD Micro Lithograph manufacturing project the etching of PC boards for the mounting of electronic components instead of the usual chemical etching process now widely used. Then I intend to concentrate on electronics and the @on processor which I can say will likely consume the next 10 to maybe even 15 years of my development time. I intend to document and publish these as I go.
Yes universal document is the base data container for vCAD because it can contain a 3D object. This is clearly useful because the component and textual descripti are both in a common document. As for the dock object itself it has full access to all the required data fields in document processor. On the software technical side of things when a dock is compiled it has dependencies that must be included from the dock target run executable so that this data can be found. This of course creates a useful security barrier that occurs with the O3S requirement that all executables have an embedded passkey or they will not execute.
Universal Document Processor is a fully functional software system and is updated regularly. I'm currently coding G@ code editing improvements. O3S is currently under development and the process define stage is nearly complete and x86_64 boot loader development has commenced. G@ is also under development and while nearly complete it is going through a structural revision. A newly engineered software object base system that will significantly accelerate the development and completion of software from this time forward, is now fully functional and on-line.
@on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.