Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Quanto And Fhex The New Microprocessor Standard.

Computers and decimal numbers. Working on the Quanto processor has put a problem to the forefront for me to solve. A problem that usually only computer design engineers see. This may shock many of you but the fact is binary computers are actually very clumsy with decimal base radix 10 numbers.

As many of you know, or should know, in decimal division by 10 always produces an exact result but if you do the same thing in binary you'll get an infinity result and not the exact answer! Speaking from personal experience this has always been a very annoying problem.

Computer manufactures also aware of this anomaly invented the floating point math co-processor complete with complex corrector ROM so that correct decimal 10 results will be produced. The problem is this correcting only occurs, as seen with my own experience, to 2 decimal positions. Just right to keep the dollars and change correct but scientific calculations are still left floating in the infinities.

These corrector ROMs add significantly to die complexity of course but another thing is that in order to save on complexity, manufacturers use arithmetic logic units ALUs that are simplified but require sometimes hundreds of clock cycles to complete a single multiply or divide operation. All of this stems from the fact that the native number system of the computer is radix 16 not radix 10 so if you can't beat them then join them! Thus the Quanto solution!

So my package solution to the problem is as follows. The first thing I've done is to expand the hexadecimal number system into a full floating point system, with exponents, that I call fhex. A computer being fully adept to this system can do so with near perfect precision with only some modifications to the integer ALU and with Quanto this will eventually include the ability to perform multiply and divide in a single clock cycle. Thus the math co-processor can be eliminated entirely. What this means is that a computer based on fhex will run rings around a computer using radix 10 floating point even if the fhex system is on a slower clock cycle!

But their is still more to my ultimate solution. What I'm doing is defining an entirely new system of mass and measurement with the simplicity of the metric system yet it is entirely radix 16 and I call it the Fhex Metri System. All of this will be used in building the citadel. So will the outside ever adapt this system? I doubt it because the money people will hate it. It's radix 16 not radix 10!

Another technology that I desire to develop is an entirely new video technology. This is an entirely new hardware configuration in where video memory is directly mapped to display pixels in a way where the antiquated raster scan technology commonly used today can be eliminated. Raster scan technology, for those of you who don't know it, was invented in the ancient television days and was used because the CRT phosphors would only stay lighted for a fraction of a second therefore it was required that the screen be constantly redrawn at a rate of 60 times a second although modern computer systems can support a faster scan rate than this. The problem is that this produces a stroboscopic effect that can cause significant eye strain. It's an effect that I've always hated. 

Quanto and O3S and G@ will not only be different. They will be the best.

Quanto, @on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.