Thursday, July 28, 2016

Food Production Technology.

Technology will be a key part of food production in the future. How you would ask. Food plants will be the natural living varieties without any genetic alterations but their growth will be accelerated to the point that they go from seed to fully mature plant within a single day. Yes technology can do this and what is more the Bible even predicts this in Isaiah 17:11. Food production will be a daily year-round operation that is not dependent on seasons or weather. Their will be large greenhouse like facilities with rows of little baskets in contact with plant food. Seed is put therein and harvested a short time later.

Meat is another issue. What has to be done is meat will be produced on the cellular level using the same accelerator techniques used in plant production. It will be done in huge blood filled vats in an environment that cells would thrive and it would be more realistic to produce a much higher quality meat and what I mean by this is that the undesirable components, such as cartilage and gristle, can be eliminated and fat content more carefully controlled. Then this meat can be harvested and even ground and I do say that this method is preferable instead of the kill floor and the butcher shop.

I myself am quite excited to do this being the science/space junkie I am but some others might not care for this at all and might dismiss the idea of living that way. But the food produced here will be at the peak of garden fresh delicious. Pity the folks in the big cities who've never had the pleasure of tasting truly good fresh produce. Things such as fresh corn, black eyes, green beans and spinach of a quality that you'll never find at your local super market. And the subtle taste of yellow squash deep fried with potatoes, southern style. High quality food will be a way of life.

Fact is most of the stuff you get in the stores isn't this fresh and good and is down right blah. I do not doubt at all that this blah is the reason so many shun veggies for a steady diet of meat, cheese, butter and sugar. Thus suggests the true source of today's obesity epidemic does it not. Of course I allow that not all are fat and I realize that fat hypochondria is a common affliction of women and such often exhibit the symptoms of this in the form of what I call self inflicted 'bird leg syndrome' but this is getting me off of today's subject.

And in order to comply with any anti-gluttony laws of the future the animal fat contents of meat will be regulated and access to certain foodstuffs such as butter, cheese, margarine and sugar will be under individual limits. All forms of caffeine, chewing gum, narcotics and tobacco will be prohibited. Alcohol will be restricted and available only for doctor prescribed medical reasons. It will not be available for social consumption. All of this is of proper high ideals of a Godly society.

I know there are some who'll think of this as a unwarranted violation of individual freedom but super heal technology brings up a whole new reality. This would concern many who would begin to commit extreme diet abuse and then would be constantly dependent on the technology for health and survival and thus would put an un-natural stress on the system and if one would analyze this situation in a objective and scientific way then one couldn't help but come to the conclusion that the human race could lose it's viability as a species. If it hasn't lost this viability already considering today's obesity epidemic despite the warnings of what it will do to you.

Oh yes and one more reason why this technology is so vital and even the most vital I may say. When the beast comes they will do that which is quite common in war in that they will kill the livestock and burn the crops of their enemies (us) in order to force them into submission. No place in the world will escape the tyranny of the beast. This technology is mandatory for the survival of the rebellion. If you do not have this technology, if you live it will be only because you are to be a slave.

Nobody on this planet has this technology yet and I'm the most advanced in the research to date but the forces of darkness have successfully destroyed my sources of funding casting a great cloud over the possibilities of this work. Oh well in times of history man has demonstrated his willingness to turn cannibal and to eat their children. If you find this unfathonable you have the opportunity to donate to this work but first contact the email address. Use of money is very efficient here and even if only $10,000.00 could be raised it could make a real difference.

This is advanced and preliminary information concerning a technology scheduled for development at Mescitadel Think Tank.