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Proof Of The Human Spirit!
What exactly is color? What is it actually made of? People who understand the related tech will understand that color is an unexplained enigma that proves the existence of the human spirit.
Spirits Are Closer Than You Think.
Before one can believe spirits exist you must first understand what they actually are. All of us have a spirit within us that is what we are and is what makes us alive. Spirits cannot be seen with the naked eye because they have no physical reality so rather instead they exist in a virtual reality like what we call a dream. They communicate with mental telepathy that looks like a dream and their self image they transmit to you can be whatever they want so as a matter of fact everytime you go to sleep at night and dream you enter the world of the spirits with your own spirit.
This website originates from within the United States.
Eve Before Adam?
The very first thing to always consider in a life form is it's survival and reproduction. This means Eve had to come first. There were none but women and reproduction was asexual. But this was inadequate for the purpose and she was given a man for a helpmate. By this time there were villages composed entirely of women but then the sons of God came from Heaven etc. The family was created because of the need for human survival and a curse of STD's was also established for those that broke this function order.
Photograph Spirits Project
I've been in contact with spirits for several years and I study their society scientifically. I'm working on a method to use a FLIR camera with a special quantum excitation process to actually photograph spirits.
The Resurrection!!😃😃😇😇
When the prophecy of the resurrection is fulfilled very little of it will look like what people expect. Here is where you can find out how to get there the easiest way possible.🤔 Don't let sacred interpretations get you killed for nothing.🤔
Messias And Celibacy.
When Messias walked the land he never married and he only approved of virgin and virgin marriage. Otherwise Biblically it's expected to remain celibate from now to eternity however exceptions may be possible. The loneliness can be bleak for a purist or you can consider a pet Geishadroid.......
Geishadroid And Geishabiodroid Pet Angels; Making Evil Obsolete As A Long Term Design Goal.
Have you ever thought of having a human wife and a harem of Geishadroid pets both at the same time? Or are you in despair because you can't find anything fit to marry? I'm a specialist at how to feel good in a responsible way😃. I believe that Androids can be used as pets and doing so can result in the curing of many social ills. Less degeneracy, divorce, less gun violence and a reduced abortion rate all through natural results. This could also solve the growing overpopulation problem prevalent in most of the world, and the hunger and war that comes with it. Technology can give them a superior look and feel even over the real thing. Always a loyal VIRGIN friend and avoiding STD's easy even in a harem!😀
A New Society
If current society is intolerable then the only solution is to create a new society and separate away from the old.🤔 This is actually an effort to reshape society so that it functions better. 🤔
In an ideal paradise, it is nature that enforces laws of behavior and not by any act of angel or man. So it would be nature that forces out the undesirable while other angels and men only observe. Only those obedient to this nature can live within this paradise. STD's are an example of this enforcement by nature.🤔
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Cure For Death Research!
The sign of truth will be coming one day. I'm currently involved in research into the cure for old age and death and human super heal capability! Fantastic! Any legitimate way to avoid death is worth any risk! However over population issues could limit access. It's a way to escape death and live until the resurrection comes but only the worthy will have it and depriving only depends on doing nothing because if nothing is done to one then the natural results of nature always results in old age and natural death.🤔
Scientists manipulate the DNA of about everything and looking through the microscopes they see it all yet they still don't fully understand it yet they still believe it is all an evolution accident. If you can't make it by now then it is no accident. It is more than a marvel but a sign for the greatest exultation. The realization that their is somebody smarter than you out there called God and he has said there is a day he will reward you if you do as he says....
So here is a point to consider for those considering the theory of evolution by Darwin instead of God the creator. The key is the very first living cell as it came into existence. Millions of years for this one cell? So what held it steady and protected while it was slowly evolving over these years until it finally became self sustaining functional? And this is said to have come about on its own under the most primitive conditions so then recreate the conditions and just watch the life come under these magical conditions? And the conditions are described as so simple that anybody should be able to do it! There is absolutely nothing that can happen as an accident in nature that cannot be reproduced in the laboratory TODAY! Besides this even death is proof God exists because how could it evolve if it died before it got there! People that believe this evolution stuff are totally ignorant of the reality of actual biology and physics and even the simplest intellectual examination can prove it!
Any taxation not based on one's actual ability to pay is always an act of tyranny and results can be pure evil! Such as the American property tax an how inability to pay it can result in innocent people being forced out of their homes! No upright person would ever tolerate evil such as this!
If you've any praise or glory to give then give it to God or else he gets jealous..
Economic freedom produces prosperity...
Travel freedom produces tourists...
Moral/religous freedom produces Hell.
Envy is not only a sin but it also shows a character weakness. Don't let envy ruin your life and the lives of those that envy tears down. One given to envy isn't worth knowing and moreover such must be careful around me because I've been known to "ride them" mercilessly.
Those who love the life style of simple and ignorance will fall prey to every ill fortune that comes there way and will never fall prey to a fortune desired.
Most of the suffering in the world comes from what people do to themselves then they blame God for it.
You have faith in that God is real, that Jesus is his Son, that the laws of God are THE BEST for the society of man and you have faith that God helps those who help themselves.
Those who are all to willing to accept things as they are and will take anyone who comes along will have a life filled with mistakes and tears and regret will write the end.
Those who refuse to observe what goes on around them will always be clueless.
So you bestow all of your worldly goods to the poor. You have given everything. So now you are a beggar with them.
The greatest act of compassion a human can do for another is give him a job, not a handout.
This is something I have seen. The more convincing Jesus becomes, the more aggressive and violent his adversaries become.
On this planet, life that cannot or will not defend itself is either eaten, oppressed, victimized, driven out, killed and even becomes extinct.
Your life is only worth the effort and money you will spend to keep it. Those who will not heed the warning are the most cheap.
Reality always eventually gets its way no matter whether you like it or not.
The greatest obstacles that a man faces is put forth by his fellow man.
There is no freedom like the freedom from the need for money. There is no independence like liberty from dependence.
A well rounded person can always withstand a little critique.
The simplest act of charity is when the wealthly give way to the poor however it is error to reward a thief.
I'm an intellectual and I make every effort to ascertain the truth and I do so because one must in order to prosper....
I'm an old man past 60 and I'm not a glib conversationalist so I don't talk much...