Monday, February 26, 2024

Origin Of Human Intelligence.

A close examination of what makes someone an intelligent person.

The first thing to consider when determining intelligence is the recognition of the fact that there's certain laws of the environment that are completely and totally uncompromising and unforgiving in their behavior. Gravity is one such law and there are others including the laws of mathematics of which the unassailable truth of such is even so that God himself in all his power he cannot change them and he's in acceptance to it even though he can make the fact irrelevant. Another such law is that if a man fails to learn then he'll suffer for it all his life.

The principal subjects that make one truly intelligent are the principal ones of importance of course and they are first in logic such as artificial intelligence and an understanding of physics including subordinate subjects such as mechanics, electronics and biology all of which are governed completely by the said laws of physics.

One cannot join the ranks of the actually intelligent unless they first learn to grasp these laws and constructively organize them into things that actually work. It is interesting to also note that when one has this ability of intelligence that it also begins to effect other aspects of life in harmony including the understanding of economics, politics and even religion.

However when one has little understanding of the laws then they become the slaves of their own fantasies and naturally they are no stranger to failure to make anything work correctly and driven by desperation, in some cases, for survival will oftentimes turn to crime and even to political movements to justify such behavior such as communism.

Furthermore when the lack of accomplishment reveals such a one to be among the ranks of the unintelligent then one invariably observes that such exists only by eating, drinking, sleeping and breathing and any combination of such is done in a self destructive way. They are governed entirely by their own desires and not logic and they'll only consider you to be intelligent if you give them what they want and flatter them beyond what they are. If such ever gains control over a society then we'll all suffer at their hand.

There actually is another aspect of ignorance and this is more commonly referred to as mental illness. These types are always governed by some emotional fantasy at the expense of logical reality. For example with these 2+2=5 because it makes them feel good. These individuals are never intelligent and oftentimes incapable of tending even to their own basic needs and they are incapable of coherent interactive communication and lastly they oftentimes have no respect for innocent life as do the stupid which of course means this test of insanity beyond stupidity either is or isn't foolproof.

Of course we're all familiar with the fact that the term of insane can be used in reckless accusations from a flimsy difference of opinion however the fact is the boarder between ignorance and insanity is thin, because of the difficulty in determining the difference between stupidity and insanity, being so similar as they are, and actually if the question is approached logically the only sure proof of insanity is active and even violent opposition against superior intelligence! Note the distinction betwixt superior and inferior.

Moreover in such an encounter the superior intelligence defines the more normal sanity which is indeed more preferable than the only other alternative and that is that stupidity determines the normal which would be ghastly. Competition between intelligence and stupidity can result in conflict and intelligence always prevails in conflict without exception it being a fact that true intelligence can for see any difficulty in a balance of the probable and the possible without being consumed with frivolous details.

Reality none the less reveals that not only can intelligence provide for basic needs it can even do so when facing active ruinous opposition. The fact is intelligence can never be insane and the ignorant remain sane only by following established societal norms assuming of course that the said societal norms are themselves free of insanity and substance abuse. However to prefer ignorance as some imagined virtue is more than stupid. It is insane.

When it comes to intelligence computer programmers are a uniquely peculiar lot. The general class of programmer actually gets virtually no real world experience because they work entirely within a man designed environment and as a consequence these people actually are particularly vulnerable to fairy tales such as evolution, heathenism and communism.

For a programmer to achieve the truly intelligent level such must work with artificial intelligence which is one of the truly uncompromising and unforgiving real world laws. This further adds to the realistic law that nothing can make itself and this is particularly true with intelligence it being an absolute fact that intelligence is entirely virtual in every case and there is nothing physical about it at all. Intelligence is always code at some level so it is abundantly clear for learning to occur there simply must be a minimum of intelligence to begin with and if this is absent then learning can never begin. The concept of evolution is simply absurd.

Faith is something that appears to be misunderstood from translation issues and it appears that intelligence is actually a large part of the faith equation. However it's abundantly clear that God will not protect one from their own stupidity.

Copyrighted 2024 by Charles Michael Kirk. All rights reserved.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Messian Utopian Economy And Financial Help Outreach.

This is the examination of an entirely new capitalistic economic system that is starting to be made possible by technology. Of course this is in complete recognition of the abject failure of communism and socialism and even the failure of Americanism in that it has failed completely in preventing it's own take over by socialism. Yes if one takes a thorough intellectual examination of America today with the use of the stock market as a government sponsored retirement savings center fully supported by Federal Reserve intervention enabling government ownership of business added to the thorough bureaucratic control of business and other aspects of life then consider even more the effects of socialist labor union activities that America is undoubtedly fully socialist today.

At the minimal technology is coming into a position to make all of this obsolete and can even mean that bureaucratic governments can cease to exist completely bringing genuine freedom which brings to mind a complete oxymoron that Americans cling to religiously and that government, specifically their own, means freedom when a government actually means control. The propaganda has been very effective and when you take into account freedom of religion outside of Christianity then this fulfills the Biblical prophecy of the great delusion to come.

Government was originally invented in ancient times as a way to group for self defense however it has been exploited for personal gain at the expense of the people through oppression ever since because it often times results in extreme paranoia from loss of the power wealth and no government whatever invented is immune nor innocent of this. Except for God.

However technology can for the very first time in all history bring in an entirely different order where a government can be truly self sufficient without taxation which actually means since it has no dependence upon people in any way then their is no dependent urgency to make some enforcement of some order upon the people allowing a level of freedom never seen before which should balance the fact that also for the very first time in history such a government could come into existence and continue without the will of the people moreover once one strips the useless propaganda and faces the facts it's easy to see that not one single government in history has ever come into existence and continued without the will of the majority of the people as evidenced by the undeniable fact that even jackbooted thug soldiers, of whom that regimes are entirely dependent upon for enforcement, have families they have to face at home. Oppression has always been against the minority and for the very first time technology makes it possible for the oppressed minority to defend itself from the will of the majority of the people.

This is the order of the future as given by sign of and in subject to the God of Heaven which is the only possible legitimate government and the others deserve and have no recognition from God he being quite insistent on the title of Overlord.

World hunger. A serious problem indeed not to meantion hunger that comes of wars and even yet hunger that can occur even in America as a result of poverty. Many look to governments and even charity and speeches of self reliance but such things are not as effective as technology can be.  I work on many technologies but this is one of my favorites. This is based on my theory that food plants and animal tissue can be produced in a factory environment and greatly accelerated in their growth as to be mass produced perhaps by machines not that large in size. I say factory environment but this can also be home based perhaps like any other appliance like one would acquire.

Such technologies can lead to the complete change in an economic structure. With such technologies the need for welfare can become obsolete and why not. Everybody could have such an appliance. With such technologies employment by everybody could be guaranteed it's just you will do your work at home with such technologies. Of course to make complex gizmos will still require individual intelligence however it should still be possible that complete morons can utilize the artificial intelligence to make a good living.

This type of technology based economy I refer to on occasion as the Messian Paradise Economy. This is a vision I believe in completely. But don't confuse this with a socialist or communist society where the single reason you exist is to produce for the state.

But this is a full time job to develop this and funding for such work can be difficult to obtain even when I present the option of receiving the money back when my work actually becomes productive. This all reminds me of Alexander Graham Bell the inventor of the telephone. Often times he obtained funding for his work from grants from his father in law related to his work with the deaf but their were times when he and his associate Watson had to steal chickens to survive. They had their hard times but when the telephone became functional they became quite rich.

In order to grasp the significance and importance of such work let's examine briefly some facts about the current economy of the worlds industrialized nations. Case in point the current factory structure. Let's begin with a product and its patent. A patent gives its holder exclusive rights to manufacture the product. All other potential manufacturers thus employers are barred. These are people who don't get jobs unless civilization becomes aware that it would be far more beneficial to shorten or even eliminate the patent structure. So that now the factory has the patent they fill it with automation to build the product. Again this is where people don't get jobs.

This type of thing is happening on a mass scale today. Mass un-employment more than official numbers recognize. Unprecedent numbers of young adults living with their parents because the jobs simply aren't there and you're so caged in by things like the patent structure and governmental bureaucracy you just don't have any chance. Technology is driving a change on the economic structure and it is forcing humanity to adapt to this new economic world order. A number of old economic ideas simply are no longer valid. No president is causing this nor can they stop it. The competition to get burger flipper and other services jobs is so fierce that getting one is like winning the lottery. The only jobs that appear to be un-filled are high education degree or very dangerous jobs.

Then their are reasons that bad government does contribute to un-employment. Mandates upon a business to provide employee services beyond the basic wage and even mandate what one would describe as social engineering that can make it all but impossible for a business to function. This and labor unions that force wages above the world standard and drive business' over seas to places like China for example that have smog so bad that people are suffocating in the pollution.

Never the less their is a reality that the industrialized world will have to face. How are people going to be part of this economy to survive since machines are doing so much of the work. You only have two real choices. Own the machines as an investor and insist on dividends or be on welfare.

Welfare. This is where the economic collision is beginning to occur. This will require great changes in the way people think. If they don't their will be violent revolution. The fact is a heavily automated society will have and can support a large segment of society that one might describe as worthless slugs who do nothing but live to play. The big question is how many slugs can it support and how fast are they reproducing?

But this can cause one to think. If automation is becoming so extensive at what point does it become practicle to simply give the product away? It's not costing the machines anything however energy and maintenance are overhead costs. In any event the products should be very cheap which does indeed appear to be the trend today.

This type of society could indeed have extensive problems from the indolence and the psychological effects which is why the Messian Paradise Society tends to center around technological self employment in a society that looks to have little use for money and the most ingenious may never use money at all.

How ever it is recognized that those with limited skills generally have more prosperity in a society with money and trade. For after all the psychological and other health benefits and self esteem that comes from the up and at it needs have long been known.

So it appears this society will have money in the form of a debit card. It will be called the "Buck" $ complete with image of a stag with antlers and it is not to be confused with the dollar. I will use basic facts now and why will clear later. I've been a student of economics for many years but I'll keep it short.

The money supply must and will be strictly controlled for stability and trust. The buying power of the buck can be expected to be solid and strong with the penny having real value and a $1 should be enough for a solid restaurant meal and I say this with the understanding that this is done, in this freest of all economies, through the money supply and never price controls. This money supply is expected to be strictly maintained at $20,000.00 per person and this figure can be useful as a gauge of personal prosperity.

Now an interesting and profitable situation occurs. For money to be useful it must be in the hands of the people sure enough but getting it there is most interesting. Most governments actually buy things from the people so this occurs naturally but the Citadel is a self sufficient industrialized complex with no need to buy anything from the people. The governing of this money is only for the benefit of the people and since the complex never needs it then the usual printing with abandon that you get with other governments will never happen. And not only that but taxation should not be expected unless a correction in the money supply need occur.

So what this means is simple and that being the only way to get the money into circulation is to literally give the money in the amount of $20,000.00 (about $200,000.00 American), that being their share of the money supply, to each individual as a one time grant upon gaining admittance to the city.

And here is another entirely new economic idea and it concerns the one and only tax and it is based on the reality that the money is meant to be a medium of exchange and isn't useful to be hoarded as wealth. If you want to hoard wealth then you must buy/convert money into something else. What happens is if you posses substantially more than your share of the money supply then you are automatically taxed at a slow rate and the money is transfered to those who have substantially less than their share of the money supply. As you can see this creates an automatic welfare.

Their may be more details later. This is an ideal vision which could change.