This has been a different year. First I will reveal that this has been a record setting year for audience to this website. Then however quite abruptly I received orders from God himself to begin restructuring and relocating. Yes indeed I'm a genuine seer and prophet and the visions and revelations here of late have been of such frequency and intensity of the likes that I haven't experienced since the days such saved America from the Clinton coup attempt which by the way created conditions and legal protections that are still quite active today despite the passage of time. So lately I have been quite preoccupied with the planning and implementation required for fulfilling my orders. This is the reason I give for my recent absence. He has not told me every reason why.
So in my curiosity as to the hidden whys I turned back to older revelations, many of which it has been some time since I discussed them. One that sticks out prominently is how eventually I will face almost daily attempts of assassination upon my person, sometimes under the conditions of being significantly out numbered. These are from visions I received and also it was spoken of in a prophecy from a beyond life experiences film I saw more than 30 years ago (more details can be found in the left column) which all say that these attempts will fail.
Like Samson in the midst of the Philistines. To date I have had a drone shine its targeting laser upon my person and twice a local Air Force Special Operations unit has flown aggressive air operations directly overhead. The message is clear and in direct fulfillment of prophecy showing to all just who and what they are. The devils, the anti-Christ and the beast steeped in rebellion against their Maker and his servant. So with nerves of steel and a stone faced resolve I stick to my purpose under conditions that would put others in the fetal position. Being a Messian I have talked with God however he never talks to Paulines so many of you will not understand this. I have seen the other side and I have no fear of it along with the certain knowledge of knowing that I am right. The prophecy says what it says but my desire is to fulfill the expectation of God and never to kill anyone.
So where might I go? Well the best way to say it now is I'll be anywhere and everywhere. One of the ideas I have considered is going to sea and for legal and security reasons, originating this message from international waters towards any nation that is convenient at the time instead of the current origin of from within the United States. Never the less I will never renounce my free born American citizenship because of the legal protections it affords, for now that is but I expect that eventually we'll all lose these protections about the same time. Another idea is I should relocate to 'gator territory. Ah yes the alligator! These would make excellent dragons for a moat would they not! And considering what the prophecy says they would perform the added benefit of cleaning up the debris and keep the armed night crawlers at a distance.
Never to forget this message of this website is the truth although I'll admit that sometimes my skill in delivering this message is lacking. Those who are Messian will have the thrill of being able to escape the terror of the beast but more important is the true message of God and his Son Jesus in that it is possible to have romantic love that lasts forever but you must believe in it and submit to his laws which, by the way, are never subject to the approval of man. Only male virgin can have female virgin or the madness and insanity of loss from which there is no escaping. So therefore I take great personal risk to save YOU from this insanity that would certainly come from ignorance of this vital message.
Yours truly,
Michael the Archangel
Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
John 13: Mary Magdalene And The Last Supper.
Adjust your monitor contrast/brightness for better view. |
This is the beginning of a two part series of posts that will open your eye's in unforeseen ways to the role Mary Magdalene played in the life of Jesus.
JN 13:21 After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me."
JN 13:22 His disciples stared at one another, at a loss to know which of them he meant. [23] One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. [24] Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, "Ask him which one he means."
And who was the disciple leaning next to Jesus? I assure you that Jesus was not a sodomite! The disciple whom he loved was Mary Magdalene. Starting now and over my next few posts I'll show you this to be true. I also intend to prove that Mary Magdalene was the actual writer of the Gospel of John although not the actual Apostle John.
Yes Mary was there at the last supper and she was the actual one leaning on Jesus. Jesus loved her very much and she was a significant temptation for him but he had a stronger sense of duty to God. He full well remembered that the terms of his trial were of his own choosing and that he was selling his only chance for love, unused, to help those who had lost their chance to get a second chance of love. More details of this will be published here from time to time.
So Jesus remembering his duty pushes Mary away from him. Hurt, she leaves the last supper weeping as she goes.
The things of religion that I speak of in this blog are not new and actually were somewhat known in certain circles during the middle ages. Let us consider the evidence to support this statement in imagery, being the way of an artist, in Leonardo da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper which God describes as 'gifted'.
This painting is described as Jesus has just told his 12 Apostle's he will be betrayed although the imagery indicates this betrayal goes beyond Judas. Note that to the right of Jesus, being on his right is an important point being the preferential side of honor, is a woman who is called 'John'. This is Mary/John and she is leaning but on nothing.
The Apostle leaning over the table has a hand next to his back with a dagger blade where the thumb should be and since this blade pointed away from this dark faced apostle this tends to indicate a false accusation and some possibly counterfeit notes of da Vinci indicate this as Judas Iscariot. On the far right of Jesus the Apostle has somewhat of the appearance of a Knights Templar. Also notice the Apostle who has his hands raised in a gesture of appeal, peace and truth as if in a gesture to the thumb blade. These gestures also show the suspicion and who is it that would do this that was going about the room.
Now notice the divide and how it is between Jesus and Mary. This has a personal aspect and more importantly it has a sect aspect. Da Vinci is acknowledging the existence of two Christian factions yet the preferential side to his right is being distanced away so to say. To the right of Jesus in symbolism is Mary a gospel writer and symbol of eternal romantic love and the personal romantic tragedy of Jesus, and the dagger and Knight of Templar is a symbol of willingness to fight and use weapons in defense of the way of Jesus. This is the Messian faction and notice their general taken aback appearance upon the announcement of Jesus while this reaction is noticeably absent to his left.
Now notice the lighting in the room, a symbol of God, and how it is shining as if the source is on the front right of Jesus while darkness comes from his left. Also notice in the painting on the right of Jesus you see hands palm down, or to say right side up, and on his left you see hands palm up, or to say upside down, indicating the opposing nature of the two sides. Then notice on the upper far back wall, to the upper left of Jesus, you see a grotesque upside down face like that of a devil and is to be associated with the palms up.
You can also assume that since Jesus has just announced that he'll be betrayed that you'd think he'd be looking at his betrayer yet he isn't looking at anyone you see in the room. Their are thirteen people you see in the room and take away Jesus and Mary and you have eleven. One could say Judas Iscariot was not there or that he wasn't his betrayer but more than likely the ghost like face underneath the table to the far right of Jesus is used to indicate a hidden personality or as you would say a ghost writer is present.
Now the left of Jesus and without divide is symbolism of the nature of money and its persuasive nature over society. Immediately to the left of Jesus, who is looking slightly to his left, is a man who appears to be confronting him with his finger pointing up which is a symbol of seeking higher order. Either da Vinci is using this to show his personal choice of the left side and/or he intends to show this man as Judas the Betrayer and/or he is showing the left as thinking of themselves as superior but are actually lacking. People who think their moral values are superior to that of Jesus is an evil that is not rare.
Also notice the Apostle in scarlet and has a symbol in his hair that indicates persecution and imprisonment of Jesus. This apostle is in fine clothes as is the one next to him to indicate the influence of money on the church. Now notice the attire of Jesus and Mary which appears to be the same but backwards and can be used to say that opposites attract.
It is also interesting to note that the left arm of Jesus is covered with a cloak meaning that you don't see the real Jesus on his left but he does show his left hand meaning the left is the side that crucified him and/or it is a gesture of appeal to his left and/or he is showing their is no weapon. Notice that this cloak is black and white with much black and little white and no gray. While his right hand is concealed he does appear to be holding hands with Mary under the table which brings up another possible meaning for his open left hand in that he has no such affection for those on his left.
This is all part of a series so keep in touch and see even more startling events and Biblical evidence!
This all is told with the approval of God himself and his Son, Jesus. Find acceptance and protection in being Messianlovites Monogamy Blessed.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
G@ And O3S Software Technologies.
G@ and O3S are a combined language and operating system and it is significant. So much so that the development and construction needs of the future and also artificial intelligence of the scale that I envision would not be humanly possible. It is an unorthodox approach to computer operating fundamentals that is based entirely on my vision of what should be. It is a highly optimized approach to ultimate execution efficiency such as is desired for applications based on physics mathematical modeling, vCAD 3D, multimedia, and artificial intelligence yet is flexible enough to do any computing task desired.
I call O3S (Object Oriented Operating System) a generic operating system. This is a serious OS for people who want a system that is easy to learn, fast, reliable and that you can quickly become highly productive with. Actually intended for the Quanto processor being developed by Mescitadel Think Tank and is being considered for adapting to the the Intel x86_64 platform and a boot loader for O3S is already under development.
The human interface logic of O3S has been thoroughly re-engineered and this is most notable in O3Sf, the O3S fixed media (disk) file system. This constitutes an entirely new approach to the concept and arrangement and security of data files. However the typical FAT file system will be supported for removable media.
You might be surprised at just how unusual the O3S kernel actually is. At the heart of the kernel is a function I call the whirlpool. The time slice allocator. The backbone of this function is the view z order table. The purpose of this is to require every view/process to have some sort of view. However the main purpose of the concept is to create maximum efficiency in system task execution loading. Also an entirely new inter process communication system will be utilized and what this means is that applications will have no access what so ever to system call gates thus maximizing security in this vulnerable area. And furthermore improvements are being made in multiple core management.
I call O3S a mil-spec OS. Security is stringent and when used in conjunction with specialized Quanto hardware it will be better than what you can find anywhere else. In O3S every v/p is seen with some sort of view even if it is only a thumbnail. If some sort of spyware or such tries to become a hidden process then it will get no execution time. For any spyware or virusi to corrupt an O3S system would indeed be most difficult. The O3S shell takes unorthodox approaches to nearly every significant thing it does. For a successful invasion malware must not only corrupt the kernel but also every application on the system or it will be discovered.
The fact is O3S takes an entirely new approach to the concept of system registry. It is a simple system requiring all executables to have a passkey and yet properly organized so that copy and drop onto your fixed media (disk) is readily supported. No headaches and no confusion and no invasion. Setting the passkey is a simple process of loading the executable as a file into a special editor and setting the passkey.
Of course those of you exercised in vision and thought would readily see that this could cause stress to say the least in establishing and intra-net connection. Ah yes the intra-net, where the convenience of plug-ins and cookies are the antithesis of security and by the way, if you should try to track all of these every time you log on you would find yourself quickly overwhelmed. Public acceptance of a system such as O3S could indeed effect the evolution of the intra-net in a positive way yet what would we all do without the latest gripping excitement of a new virus hacking its way through the system I say tongue in cheek. A typical O3S system could easily do what people really want from the intra-net.
G@ (G Object Associations) is the language used in O3S and it supports @bject which is fundamentally a class/function in other languages. G@ also supports a unique version of polymorphism and also networks of @bjecti through the netw@rk keyword. This is a high level language but it also supports an assembler I call G@sm that can make use of labels and simple variable types. When desired their is also a lower level of programing I call G@ntel which is basicly a simplifying extension of the x86 opcode set. Development of the G@ language, universal document based editor and programming project system is virtually complete.
To be more precise in this subject of software programming the development of a functional concept is always the primary goal of the task and after this is done you code it in and doing this isn't so difficult. Thus the functional concept is how it works. However some significant priority readjustments are being made that could add some years before system completion. This time estimation is taking into allowance several other concurrent technology development projects being contemplated at Mescitadel Think Tank.
G@, O3S and O3i! are on the way to becoming the ultimate in computer science. They were created with a singular vision perfection and planning for greater things. The work on G@ and O3S are progressing well and as with all technology, it possesses accelerating progression. What this means is the more it progresses the faster it will progress more. Significant advances have been made that will accelerate the developmental time line of O3S.
This report is provided for information purposes only, as to the progress of development of critical operational technology of computer systems.
Quanto, @on, G@, @3S, O3Sf, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.
Further definitions of artificial intelligence terms are as follows. O3i! (Object Oriented Operating Intelligence) is the primary artificial intelligence project of Mescitadel Think Tank and the software intelligence data base of a machine is often referred to as the 'id'. The term 'robot' is used to describe a distinctly non human machine with human intelligence such as R2D2 for example. The term 'droid' is used to describe a machine similar to man but still distinctly a machine such as C3PO for example. The term 'android' is used to describe a distinctly precise human replicate that cannot be determined to be non human without careful examination and an example of such would be science fiction's 'terminator'. Robots and droids are the primary interest of Mescitadel Think Tank.
I call O3S (Object Oriented Operating System) a generic operating system. This is a serious OS for people who want a system that is easy to learn, fast, reliable and that you can quickly become highly productive with. Actually intended for the Quanto processor being developed by Mescitadel Think Tank and is being considered for adapting to the the Intel x86_64 platform and a boot loader for O3S is already under development.
The human interface logic of O3S has been thoroughly re-engineered and this is most notable in O3Sf, the O3S fixed media (disk) file system. This constitutes an entirely new approach to the concept and arrangement and security of data files. However the typical FAT file system will be supported for removable media.
You might be surprised at just how unusual the O3S kernel actually is. At the heart of the kernel is a function I call the whirlpool. The time slice allocator. The backbone of this function is the view z order table. The purpose of this is to require every view/process to have some sort of view. However the main purpose of the concept is to create maximum efficiency in system task execution loading. Also an entirely new inter process communication system will be utilized and what this means is that applications will have no access what so ever to system call gates thus maximizing security in this vulnerable area. And furthermore improvements are being made in multiple core management.
I call O3S a mil-spec OS. Security is stringent and when used in conjunction with specialized Quanto hardware it will be better than what you can find anywhere else. In O3S every v/p is seen with some sort of view even if it is only a thumbnail. If some sort of spyware or such tries to become a hidden process then it will get no execution time. For any spyware or virusi to corrupt an O3S system would indeed be most difficult. The O3S shell takes unorthodox approaches to nearly every significant thing it does. For a successful invasion malware must not only corrupt the kernel but also every application on the system or it will be discovered.
The fact is O3S takes an entirely new approach to the concept of system registry. It is a simple system requiring all executables to have a passkey and yet properly organized so that copy and drop onto your fixed media (disk) is readily supported. No headaches and no confusion and no invasion. Setting the passkey is a simple process of loading the executable as a file into a special editor and setting the passkey.
Of course those of you exercised in vision and thought would readily see that this could cause stress to say the least in establishing and intra-net connection. Ah yes the intra-net, where the convenience of plug-ins and cookies are the antithesis of security and by the way, if you should try to track all of these every time you log on you would find yourself quickly overwhelmed. Public acceptance of a system such as O3S could indeed effect the evolution of the intra-net in a positive way yet what would we all do without the latest gripping excitement of a new virus hacking its way through the system I say tongue in cheek. A typical O3S system could easily do what people really want from the intra-net.
G@ (G Object Associations) is the language used in O3S and it supports @bject which is fundamentally a class/function in other languages. G@ also supports a unique version of polymorphism and also networks of @bjecti through the netw@rk keyword. This is a high level language but it also supports an assembler I call G@sm that can make use of labels and simple variable types. When desired their is also a lower level of programing I call G@ntel which is basicly a simplifying extension of the x86 opcode set. Development of the G@ language, universal document based editor and programming project system is virtually complete.
To be more precise in this subject of software programming the development of a functional concept is always the primary goal of the task and after this is done you code it in and doing this isn't so difficult. Thus the functional concept is how it works. However some significant priority readjustments are being made that could add some years before system completion. This time estimation is taking into allowance several other concurrent technology development projects being contemplated at Mescitadel Think Tank.
G@, O3S and O3i! are on the way to becoming the ultimate in computer science. They were created with a singular vision perfection and planning for greater things. The work on G@ and O3S are progressing well and as with all technology, it possesses accelerating progression. What this means is the more it progresses the faster it will progress more. Significant advances have been made that will accelerate the developmental time line of O3S.
This report is provided for information purposes only, as to the progress of development of critical operational technology of computer systems.
Quanto, @on, G@, @3S, O3Sf, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.
Further definitions of artificial intelligence terms are as follows. O3i! (Object Oriented Operating Intelligence) is the primary artificial intelligence project of Mescitadel Think Tank and the software intelligence data base of a machine is often referred to as the 'id'. The term 'robot' is used to describe a distinctly non human machine with human intelligence such as R2D2 for example. The term 'droid' is used to describe a machine similar to man but still distinctly a machine such as C3PO for example. The term 'android' is used to describe a distinctly precise human replicate that cannot be determined to be non human without careful examination and an example of such would be science fiction's 'terminator'. Robots and droids are the primary interest of Mescitadel Think Tank.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Clinton Presidency.
Contains excerpts from a document circulated by the press in 1998.
Rush! Rush! Who is mighty in words at the EIB! Do you think that you can save us from the curse of the liberal? But if only you could! But you are lukewarm so you shall surely fail. Now do you have the courage to face the truth? Never the less the Almighty has a requirement of you. You seem to think it's OK to say "talent on loan from God" so let's see if you can prove your boast. This is the day you find out the single reason God has made you great so now is the time to pay him back. What we are going to do is bring Clinton down. No he is not going to slither out of it this time. God knows how to play cat and mouse with one who thinks he can be God. He's a vain, arrogant, perverted, bully and the life he has constructed around himself will do him in. The only reason God has let him be until now is so that he might make a spectacle out of him and for a sign that the words I relay here be of a truth.
Furthermore you may want to know that I was a personal friend of Bill Clinton in days gone by and I can assure you that you are greatly underestimating the extent of his diabolical ambitions! I noticed that you and everybody else has been saying that Clinton was admitting to adultery on his speech on aug. 17, 1998. You know better than that! Let's just see you and everybody else prove it! Bill Clinton never admits to anything! Their are sinister things about the Lewinsky matter that you don't know Rush and if you don't act fast Clinton will surely take YOU down along with every other news organization in the country!! You know about his education history. He vowed to make America into his utopia!
What you are about to see is the documentation of a series of actual high crimes. The names have not been changed because none are innocent.
Before I get started with this revelation of the affairs of Bill Clinton whilst he is president of the United States, I will discuss his improprieties while governor of the state of Arkansas. First and foremost Bill Clinton has never sought public office with the intention of being a servant of the people. His desires of the governorship and presidency has been to obtain immunity from the law while he pursues his choice professions. Many of you are already familiar with the Whitewater and other financial scandals.
But it is little known that governor Clinton also extorted protection money from local drug syndicates. Furthermore he continued to apply the power of his office to the point where he was a ringleader in one of the biggest drug syndicates in the south! And drug syndicates being what they are, can play rough and Clinton was no Polly Anna. He personally ordered the deaths of xy people while he was governor! Most were for non payment of dope debt, but when that time came that the Feds were getting a little to close to him, then he ordered the hits of x people to silence witnesses and to cover up the trail leading up to him! And what is more many of his Arkansas body guard were also involved! Moreover in order to maintain this power structure he rigged the electoral system in Arkansas and this is how he obtained his final term as governor. The election was fixed!
Those of you who listen to Rush know how he likes to chide the Clintons for sponging money off of everyone they can because he thinks they are poor. But the fact is that the Clintons are filthy rich! And when I say filthy I mean filthy. The Clintons make every effort to hide their wealth because their loot is so hot and what is more they have never paid taxes on it! Besides if knowledge of their wealth got out it would hinder their favorite pastime. That being putting the pinch on every sucker they can find for more money! Hey all you Clinton donors! Has he tried to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge yet?
But Bill Clinton wasn't always rich. Those of you who care to know are familiar with Bill Clinton's disadvantaged childhood yet somehow, mysteriously he manages to go to and attend a very prestigious college in Great Britain, which by the way was a great place to hang out while some statutes of limitations on some misdemeanors ran out back home. I wonder if it were ever asked why he had no visible means of support? But I know. The very first occupation that Bill Clinton ever had was that of a pimp! However, despite his thriving business he decided he wanted bigger things in life.
Satan"My fellow Americans. I come to you today as your president to talk facts and not hearsay. Furthermore I want to reiterate that I regret that I have had an improper relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. I know that it is improper for a superior, especially the president of this great country, to form a close, un-business like friendship with a young subordinate. But never the less I assure you that our relationship has always been absolutely and totally platonic and was never, no not ever improper in a sexual or adulterous way. I know that my silence on this matter has caused turmoil in my country but I assure you that pressing affairs of state required that I take this road. Me and my family have had to endure a most mean spirited and partisan attack on my integrity over the years but I assure you that I have never, not even once broke the vows to my wife...." You heard right! He intends to deny every affair he's had! This whole business is spin and a plot to make him a "saint" in the eyes of the world!
(This document appeared on the scene in the thick of it all and caused many changes in plans.)
2CO 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
Now Rush, I want you to consider what I tell you because you are in serious trouble! To illustrate to you how much I want to recall to your remembrance about something you talked about a few years ago. Do you remember talking about the staged town meeting with Clinton in which a teenage boy asked a tough question. I can't recall the question but I remember it was legitimate but because it wasn't in the script Clinton blew up then had the kid thrown out. Then that evening police showed up at the boy's home and arrested him saying "we're sorry but we have orders from the top." The boy's father panicked not knowing what to do so they asked their governor I believe and he said to try announcing you were running for congress which finally got him freed. This is what Clinton intends for you Rush and I assure you that if all of his ambitions succeed it will be DEATH ROW!!!!!!
To fantastic for you to believe? After the shootings at the Washington D.C. capital a woman said with tears "This is America! Things like this aren't supposed to happen here!" You know their was slavery. You also know that Americans made peace treaties with the Indians then killed them for their land. America is a country formed from conquest and blood. Admittedly the Indians were heathen and God nearly always punishes nations like this with a conqueror. The greatest tragedies tend to befall nations when they don't believe it can happen to them and thus are not prepared. Remember Pearl Harbor. The point I'm trying to make is that men are men no matter what country they are in. Americans are not so pure and holy and superior as to be above the problems other countries have.
Do you remember how Starr started to resign from the investigation and go teach but abruptly changed his mind saying he'll stay with the investigation on Clinton until the finish? What actually happened is that Clinton bought him off and every since then they have been working in close coordination to sabotage the investigation so Clinton will never have to face charges for the crimes he has committed! Naturally Clinton knows everything that was said before the grand jury and on the Lewinsky tapes. Remember Clinton could dismiss him at any time but doesn't and also the republicans had nothing to do with Starr getting his post. All of the attacks on Starr and his doings by the Clinton people on the media is just an act so that none of Clinton's opposition will have any reason to suspect Starr's credibility! Clinton isn't going to hire anybody that would destroy him! Would you hire your own destructor? Be real! At the time I'm writing this Starr has given Lewinsky full transactional immunity along with her parents while Janet Reno continues to block any investigations into Clinton's campaign finance abuses. The reason Reno is doing this is so when Starr is finished with the Lewinsky matter they intend to use him to get Clinton out of that mess also.
But I thought Peter the lawyer said Starr had Monica nailed? I mean like the best she could possibly do was negotiate a lighter sentence? What full transactional immunity ultimately means is that she has a licence to lie with impunity and she is all but set free in any crimes she has committed and some key White Water figures have also been set free.
Now are you ready for the answer to a great mystery? It was Hillary Clinton who hired Craig Livingstone for the sole purpose of smuggling in prostitute spies into the capital thus turning it into a bordello so that they could create some new dirt! He's a pimp! What better way for Clinton to insure against his faults than to snare everybody else into the same faults!
I suppose you all recall that an outfit called Judicial Watch is suing over all of the FBI files Clinton got. They wanted some testimony from Linda Tripp but Starr filed a paper with the court close to the start of September asking that her testimony be delayed because he felt it would interfere with his investigation in Travel Gate and File Gate which is entering a critical phase. They are truly worried about the FBI files and Starr has successfully thwarted their opponents until they can "fix" the problem. This same type of thing is also what happened in the Paula Jones case.
"The policy of this administration is to deny the allegations repeatedly until the facts become overwhelming and then and only then acknowledge them in ambiguous language."
Lewinsky went before the grand jury and their was talk on the news that Starr subpoenaed Clinton but then Clinton said no he wasn't but was volunteering to video tape his story for the grand jury on august 17 in the map room of the White House. Clinton volunteer to talk and not only that he was jubilant and anxious to do it! Are antennae shooting up and waving red flags yet out their? Well that's not all! He spent several days before hand rehearsing for his "performance". They sent out teams of pollsters to find out what America wanted to see and teams of advisors worked with him to make sure he had the right "body language". They made sure any picture behind him was proper and he made an extensive study of all of the past presidents and what made them popular and not. Now this tape is supposedly just meant for the grand jury but he intends to show it to the people. This step in their final plan is meant to trick the American people by spinning the Lewinsky matter, with great fanfare, just in time for the 1998 elections so they can use this situation as a psychological trick on Americans so the democrats can regain control of congress! He hopes.
Here is something else you may want the answer to. I suppose you remember recently telling of a joke a democrat told at a dinner. You described the situation saying some democrats had a dinner engagement but were called to a meeting with Clinton but when they got there none could figure out what in the world they were called for because they just goofed off. Finally they left for their dinner and one of them joked "He must have just wanted to see who would come and see him in jail." Their was laughter. Actually the situation is gravely serious! Clinton did this because he wants to lie saying it was a showdown in which the democrats were trying to force him to resign! He's trying to create the image that he is powerless and the underdog and the victim of every pundit and peer in the eye's of the people so as to gain their sympathy and arouse militant support! He initially intends to use this situation to extort a tighter grip of control on the democratic party because none will want the stigma of having attacked the "saint" then later he'll use it to enhance his popularity at the expense of his party!
Then later on their was another democratic meeting and when it was over a woman found a crumpled note and all it said was "We are doomed." Clinton's shakedown of the democrats has begun! He has absolutely no loyalty or honor or integrity whatsoever! This is all ultimately intended to instill an aura of invincibility and fear into his peers so that he'll have no opposition to his devious plans!
Do you doubt me? Then watch some videos that were made right after Clinton's testimony on aug. 17 which would be the 18th I believe of the 3 Clintons coming out of the White House on their way to vacation at Martha's Vineyard. They were holding hands and if you look it's easy to see they are trying to create the image that they are hanging tough through a great oppression! It's all propaganda! He intends to play these over and over to the people when he establishes his plot!
"What are they hiding? Why do they go to such lengths to keep everything covered up? It must be worse than we even know."Rushquote
Clinton and Starr are also using the hearings for a sinister purpose that many in his administration are not aware of that being a "purge". Who will talk and who won't. Clinton wants to find out who his true loyalists are, especially in the White House police and secret service, so that he can surround himself with hand picked individuals in the coup d'‚tat he is planning!
Now are all of you ready for this?! The fact of the matter is that the whole Lewinsky sex scandal (Tailgate) is a hoax to start with!!!! Oh sure hanky panky went on but the only reason it survives and is in the news is because Clinton wants it that way! Because, you see, Clinton all but single handedly destroyed the democratic party so to save himself, his face and his legacy the "comeback kid" desperately needed a comeback. Now he knows the majority of Americans, especially his constituents, despise anyone who might be judgmental when it comes to sexual peccadilloes. So what better plan to elevate his popularity than to become a "sexual martyr" and then convince everyone that it was all false accusations to begin with!! This is a cinch since how he has Starr aced he will ultimately be "cleared" of all wrong doing then he'll be poised for the kill!!
Freedom of speech! Hah! You journalists are going to have easy work soon! All you will have to do is relay the official party spin to the people, which of course is what many of you are already doing, and if you don't it means a trip to the alter and I'm not talking about weddings either! So you should know all of the leaks and speeches on this matter were especially crafted so that he can trick all of his critics, and whoever else he can get, into committing defamatory libel! That means slander! More over this also happens to be where all of the talk about Hillary being a lesbian has come from! You all remember the false story on General Motors and the exploding gas tanks and how GM won in the courts don't you? So not only can he discredit his critics, including comedians and oh yes the press, but can totally silence them with libel lawsuits thus enabling him to establish his insidious plot to seize an imperial presidency without opposition!!!
The Ken Starr report everybody is talking about now is a fake and the White House will say so when it suits their purpose. The cigar story and oral anal sex. Be real! These guys are like school boys in a dorm thinking this stuff up! Did any of you notice Clinton's speech to the press on either September 23 or 24, I can't remember which? Clinton said out of the blue "It can't be an accident anymore." To Clinton being elected by the vote is an accident!!!!! If you watch him he lets these things slip sometimes!
He intends to use his new found popularity and control over congress to ironclad his immunity then use the power of the federal government to CRUSH his adversaries no matter who they are!!! Certainly you remember all of the arguments as to whether Clinton has a right to private counsel with federal lawyers! If any of you has faced the environmental protection agency then you'll know what kind of oppression is in store for you! One by one, anybody who is anything in America if falling into his clutches one way or another! Your only chance is to unite and take him down and soon because its to the point its a race against time because he'll soon have his power consolidated! This must be done with the people because many judges and other officials have already fallen into his grasp!!! This is how coups perpetuate themselves! Once one is corrupted he can't go back and face the consequences so they fight to save their rear ends! This situation is approaching critical mass and something must be done now!
Well anyway Clinton's power is not cemented yet and he still needs the votes from congress to accomplish his goal that being to get a constitutional amendment overturning the amendment limiting a president to 2 terms! He wants to make it certain with democratic votes because the republicans are a wild card in this. Now we come to the reason for all of those FBI files that are so he could dig up dirt on his enemies! This is the reason the republicans have been neutered in their leadership but he's not certain how many of them he has in his hands! But between the two he has the votes to realize his plans!!!!! "If I'm going down, I'll take everyone else with me." Wake up America!!! You are in the midst of your first coup attempt and the junta is in the White House even now!!! If their ever was an illustration as to why character counts, this is it! God's eyes are everywhere and they see everything.
So Rush what's it going to be? You know if it hadn't been for God, Clinton would have surely destroyed you in this matter. You probably don't want to know this but you should know that the FBI file problem is so serious a blackmail threat that Mr. Newt and some other republicans intend to "confess" to trying to destroy Clinton in a underhanded manner just to save their rear ends! What I mean by this is because Clinton wants a token republican party so as to keep up appearances with the people! Clinton intends for this to be a silent coup! The people will see the unlimited terms for presidents amendment and other things and will grumble about it being the same old congress and after seeing the "doctored" government polls will do nothing about it! The fact of the matter is he'll have an iron grip on congress and they'll do like they're told!
Oh and let's not forget the bribery that's going on! Have many of you noticed how many in congress and Washington aren't paying their taxes these days! What a novel payoff scheme! Just forget their tax liabilities! And if any should forget what it's all for then just threaten to prosecute them! That keeps in line! That's the same method used by animal trainers!
What is more, this situation is still even more apocalyptic! Some of those FBI files are on the military's top brass! This is how he's gaining control of them! This is the real truth behind Admiral Bourdha's suicide!!!! Now Rush, many junior officers take their oath of loyalty to uphold and defend the constitution very seriously! You know what this could mean!!!! This situation could quickly become deadly serious once the military becomes fully aware of what is happening!!!! If you think Russia is in bad shape now you just wait! The third world is going to get another superpower thanks to Bill and Hillary Clinton!
(Their was panic within the Clinton administration and fearing a military coup he destroyed America's bomb arsenal in the Balkins campaign excuse and any other way he could and refused to acquire more. Many who pay attention will recall America's critical military situation at the time and how President Bush had to rebuild it. Their was also panic because Clinton was losing control of the impeachment process so he tried everything to distract it. Include bombings in the Middle East that created enough anger to eventually lead to 9-11.)
You tell me! Just how many careers has Clinton ruthlessly destroyed in his pursuit of power?! Do you remember the reporter that asked Clinton about some kind of race relations thing Clinton has going if to whether it was legitimate or something and Clinton attacked the reporter demanding to know who his source was and a few days later he was fired? Just look at the ferocity in which Clinton attacks anyone with when he's crossed! He's so totally obsessed with power to the point he's drunk with it! Has any previous president jet setted around the world in air force 1 the way he does? America will be HIS utopia! What about all of the times all of the democrats were giving the same "canned" response to the media over a controversy! He'll even go so far as to "fix" elections to keep congress like he wants it! I suppose you do remember the talk about just guessing on the census and how you thought it was a crooked way to get more democrats in congress! Open your eyes Rush! Can't you see the signs!!!
All of the trial balloons you've been hearing are meant to "prepare" the people for what is going to happen! Clinton is a cunning master psychologist which is what makes him such a good politician! Have you noticed how scandal after scandal comes out about the administration with calls for independent councils but then nothing ever happens? Clinton himself is orchestrating all of this diabolical activity as part of the psychology of his master plot! The purpose of it all is to create a feeling of helplessness in any that would oppose him so as to have a minimum of backlash when he consummates his scheme!
Now are you people ready to learn the more insidious nature of Craig Livingstone's and his whores' purpose? Livingstone was under direct orders from Clinton, to be sure that he obtained whores who had AIDS, so that he might infect as many senators and congressmen as possible with HIV, so that it would create a national emergency to facilitate his rise to permanent power!! Furthermore in order to assure this doesn't come back on him, he's been working behind the scenes to legalize prostitution!
Rush. You're going to get Clinton style government mandated health care now!!! Are you ready for Gore's SUV police?! America is on the brink of becoming an Al Gore "paradise" and its up to you to stop it!!!!! You have documented some attempts to get you that Clinton has made in the past so it should be quite clear to you that it would be in your best interest to see to it that this document becomes widely known. Just ask yourself, what is Clinton not capable of doing? You always say that anybody can say anything on the phone and the internet but yet you take anonymous, from the White House no doubt, leaks as gospel. They know that you and the rest of their adversaries have been salivating for a scandal like tailgate to bring Clinton down and they have been feeding the fire and laughing and if you don't act quickly they will outflank you and the whiplash will be bad!
What you need to do is at least read the things I specify here on your radio program and then what ever else you may choose. You know the White House listens. You also may want to know that when he hears all this he will go insane! That right! He will become the American Caligula which was the mad Roman emperor! PLAY TAXULA STUFF IN BACKGROUND Then to finish it off with a touch of finesse play some of those count taxula skits you have and don't forget that beetle song by that Clinton imitator. You know the one you always say was found hid away in a vault on Abbey Road. The words start out like "You closed your eyes, I was elected. Guess what. Your not protected. Now all my schemes will come true". Ditto. Then you will have a new president.
When this happens I expect their to be quite a public demand for this document so keep it. I'm putting it into the public domain so if you want to put it in your newsletter you may do so. But anyone who alters the message in this will have a great curse befall them and will not escape. This all reminds me about how the American liberals always raised such a snit over the possibility of a conservative Christian controlling the nuclear button. So look what they chose instead. If you want to hear somebody else sum the situation up for you then go to your archives on august 24, 1998 and listen to the last 15 minutes or so of your program to the golf caller and then listen to the bump you played on the very last segment that day.
When Rush saw this he panicked and did a little screaming on the air then took to drugs and never did anything. To this day he is still in a state of emotional denial. Here the man, who claims to have talent on loan from God, turned coward. Sure he supports the troops as long as it isn't him but when it came time for him to take a risk for America he took the safe route and did nothing.
A final note of warning. This post contains information concerning an actual criminal event. If you block, restrict, impede and/or otherwise interfere with the flow of this information in any way then you are breaking the law. This is even more true if you are a government official using the power of your office in a partisan way
Rush! Rush! Who is mighty in words at the EIB! Do you think that you can save us from the curse of the liberal? But if only you could! But you are lukewarm so you shall surely fail. Now do you have the courage to face the truth? Never the less the Almighty has a requirement of you. You seem to think it's OK to say "talent on loan from God" so let's see if you can prove your boast. This is the day you find out the single reason God has made you great so now is the time to pay him back. What we are going to do is bring Clinton down. No he is not going to slither out of it this time. God knows how to play cat and mouse with one who thinks he can be God. He's a vain, arrogant, perverted, bully and the life he has constructed around himself will do him in. The only reason God has let him be until now is so that he might make a spectacle out of him and for a sign that the words I relay here be of a truth.
Furthermore you may want to know that I was a personal friend of Bill Clinton in days gone by and I can assure you that you are greatly underestimating the extent of his diabolical ambitions! I noticed that you and everybody else has been saying that Clinton was admitting to adultery on his speech on aug. 17, 1998. You know better than that! Let's just see you and everybody else prove it! Bill Clinton never admits to anything! Their are sinister things about the Lewinsky matter that you don't know Rush and if you don't act fast Clinton will surely take YOU down along with every other news organization in the country!! You know about his education history. He vowed to make America into his utopia!
What you are about to see is the documentation of a series of actual high crimes. The names have not been changed because none are innocent.
Before I get started with this revelation of the affairs of Bill Clinton whilst he is president of the United States, I will discuss his improprieties while governor of the state of Arkansas. First and foremost Bill Clinton has never sought public office with the intention of being a servant of the people. His desires of the governorship and presidency has been to obtain immunity from the law while he pursues his choice professions. Many of you are already familiar with the Whitewater and other financial scandals.
But it is little known that governor Clinton also extorted protection money from local drug syndicates. Furthermore he continued to apply the power of his office to the point where he was a ringleader in one of the biggest drug syndicates in the south! And drug syndicates being what they are, can play rough and Clinton was no Polly Anna. He personally ordered the deaths of xy people while he was governor! Most were for non payment of dope debt, but when that time came that the Feds were getting a little to close to him, then he ordered the hits of x people to silence witnesses and to cover up the trail leading up to him! And what is more many of his Arkansas body guard were also involved! Moreover in order to maintain this power structure he rigged the electoral system in Arkansas and this is how he obtained his final term as governor. The election was fixed!
Those of you who listen to Rush know how he likes to chide the Clintons for sponging money off of everyone they can because he thinks they are poor. But the fact is that the Clintons are filthy rich! And when I say filthy I mean filthy. The Clintons make every effort to hide their wealth because their loot is so hot and what is more they have never paid taxes on it! Besides if knowledge of their wealth got out it would hinder their favorite pastime. That being putting the pinch on every sucker they can find for more money! Hey all you Clinton donors! Has he tried to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge yet?
But Bill Clinton wasn't always rich. Those of you who care to know are familiar with Bill Clinton's disadvantaged childhood yet somehow, mysteriously he manages to go to and attend a very prestigious college in Great Britain, which by the way was a great place to hang out while some statutes of limitations on some misdemeanors ran out back home. I wonder if it were ever asked why he had no visible means of support? But I know. The very first occupation that Bill Clinton ever had was that of a pimp! However, despite his thriving business he decided he wanted bigger things in life.
Satan"My fellow Americans. I come to you today as your president to talk facts and not hearsay. Furthermore I want to reiterate that I regret that I have had an improper relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. I know that it is improper for a superior, especially the president of this great country, to form a close, un-business like friendship with a young subordinate. But never the less I assure you that our relationship has always been absolutely and totally platonic and was never, no not ever improper in a sexual or adulterous way. I know that my silence on this matter has caused turmoil in my country but I assure you that pressing affairs of state required that I take this road. Me and my family have had to endure a most mean spirited and partisan attack on my integrity over the years but I assure you that I have never, not even once broke the vows to my wife...." You heard right! He intends to deny every affair he's had! This whole business is spin and a plot to make him a "saint" in the eyes of the world!
(This document appeared on the scene in the thick of it all and caused many changes in plans.)
2CO 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
Now Rush, I want you to consider what I tell you because you are in serious trouble! To illustrate to you how much I want to recall to your remembrance about something you talked about a few years ago. Do you remember talking about the staged town meeting with Clinton in which a teenage boy asked a tough question. I can't recall the question but I remember it was legitimate but because it wasn't in the script Clinton blew up then had the kid thrown out. Then that evening police showed up at the boy's home and arrested him saying "we're sorry but we have orders from the top." The boy's father panicked not knowing what to do so they asked their governor I believe and he said to try announcing you were running for congress which finally got him freed. This is what Clinton intends for you Rush and I assure you that if all of his ambitions succeed it will be DEATH ROW!!!!!!
To fantastic for you to believe? After the shootings at the Washington D.C. capital a woman said with tears "This is America! Things like this aren't supposed to happen here!" You know their was slavery. You also know that Americans made peace treaties with the Indians then killed them for their land. America is a country formed from conquest and blood. Admittedly the Indians were heathen and God nearly always punishes nations like this with a conqueror. The greatest tragedies tend to befall nations when they don't believe it can happen to them and thus are not prepared. Remember Pearl Harbor. The point I'm trying to make is that men are men no matter what country they are in. Americans are not so pure and holy and superior as to be above the problems other countries have.
Do you remember how Starr started to resign from the investigation and go teach but abruptly changed his mind saying he'll stay with the investigation on Clinton until the finish? What actually happened is that Clinton bought him off and every since then they have been working in close coordination to sabotage the investigation so Clinton will never have to face charges for the crimes he has committed! Naturally Clinton knows everything that was said before the grand jury and on the Lewinsky tapes. Remember Clinton could dismiss him at any time but doesn't and also the republicans had nothing to do with Starr getting his post. All of the attacks on Starr and his doings by the Clinton people on the media is just an act so that none of Clinton's opposition will have any reason to suspect Starr's credibility! Clinton isn't going to hire anybody that would destroy him! Would you hire your own destructor? Be real! At the time I'm writing this Starr has given Lewinsky full transactional immunity along with her parents while Janet Reno continues to block any investigations into Clinton's campaign finance abuses. The reason Reno is doing this is so when Starr is finished with the Lewinsky matter they intend to use him to get Clinton out of that mess also.
But I thought Peter the lawyer said Starr had Monica nailed? I mean like the best she could possibly do was negotiate a lighter sentence? What full transactional immunity ultimately means is that she has a licence to lie with impunity and she is all but set free in any crimes she has committed and some key White Water figures have also been set free.
Now are you ready for the answer to a great mystery? It was Hillary Clinton who hired Craig Livingstone for the sole purpose of smuggling in prostitute spies into the capital thus turning it into a bordello so that they could create some new dirt! He's a pimp! What better way for Clinton to insure against his faults than to snare everybody else into the same faults!
I suppose you all recall that an outfit called Judicial Watch is suing over all of the FBI files Clinton got. They wanted some testimony from Linda Tripp but Starr filed a paper with the court close to the start of September asking that her testimony be delayed because he felt it would interfere with his investigation in Travel Gate and File Gate which is entering a critical phase. They are truly worried about the FBI files and Starr has successfully thwarted their opponents until they can "fix" the problem. This same type of thing is also what happened in the Paula Jones case.
"The policy of this administration is to deny the allegations repeatedly until the facts become overwhelming and then and only then acknowledge them in ambiguous language."
Lewinsky went before the grand jury and their was talk on the news that Starr subpoenaed Clinton but then Clinton said no he wasn't but was volunteering to video tape his story for the grand jury on august 17 in the map room of the White House. Clinton volunteer to talk and not only that he was jubilant and anxious to do it! Are antennae shooting up and waving red flags yet out their? Well that's not all! He spent several days before hand rehearsing for his "performance". They sent out teams of pollsters to find out what America wanted to see and teams of advisors worked with him to make sure he had the right "body language". They made sure any picture behind him was proper and he made an extensive study of all of the past presidents and what made them popular and not. Now this tape is supposedly just meant for the grand jury but he intends to show it to the people. This step in their final plan is meant to trick the American people by spinning the Lewinsky matter, with great fanfare, just in time for the 1998 elections so they can use this situation as a psychological trick on Americans so the democrats can regain control of congress! He hopes.
Here is something else you may want the answer to. I suppose you remember recently telling of a joke a democrat told at a dinner. You described the situation saying some democrats had a dinner engagement but were called to a meeting with Clinton but when they got there none could figure out what in the world they were called for because they just goofed off. Finally they left for their dinner and one of them joked "He must have just wanted to see who would come and see him in jail." Their was laughter. Actually the situation is gravely serious! Clinton did this because he wants to lie saying it was a showdown in which the democrats were trying to force him to resign! He's trying to create the image that he is powerless and the underdog and the victim of every pundit and peer in the eye's of the people so as to gain their sympathy and arouse militant support! He initially intends to use this situation to extort a tighter grip of control on the democratic party because none will want the stigma of having attacked the "saint" then later he'll use it to enhance his popularity at the expense of his party!
Then later on their was another democratic meeting and when it was over a woman found a crumpled note and all it said was "We are doomed." Clinton's shakedown of the democrats has begun! He has absolutely no loyalty or honor or integrity whatsoever! This is all ultimately intended to instill an aura of invincibility and fear into his peers so that he'll have no opposition to his devious plans!
Do you doubt me? Then watch some videos that were made right after Clinton's testimony on aug. 17 which would be the 18th I believe of the 3 Clintons coming out of the White House on their way to vacation at Martha's Vineyard. They were holding hands and if you look it's easy to see they are trying to create the image that they are hanging tough through a great oppression! It's all propaganda! He intends to play these over and over to the people when he establishes his plot!
"What are they hiding? Why do they go to such lengths to keep everything covered up? It must be worse than we even know."Rushquote
Clinton and Starr are also using the hearings for a sinister purpose that many in his administration are not aware of that being a "purge". Who will talk and who won't. Clinton wants to find out who his true loyalists are, especially in the White House police and secret service, so that he can surround himself with hand picked individuals in the coup d'‚tat he is planning!
Now are all of you ready for this?! The fact of the matter is that the whole Lewinsky sex scandal (Tailgate) is a hoax to start with!!!! Oh sure hanky panky went on but the only reason it survives and is in the news is because Clinton wants it that way! Because, you see, Clinton all but single handedly destroyed the democratic party so to save himself, his face and his legacy the "comeback kid" desperately needed a comeback. Now he knows the majority of Americans, especially his constituents, despise anyone who might be judgmental when it comes to sexual peccadilloes. So what better plan to elevate his popularity than to become a "sexual martyr" and then convince everyone that it was all false accusations to begin with!! This is a cinch since how he has Starr aced he will ultimately be "cleared" of all wrong doing then he'll be poised for the kill!!
Freedom of speech! Hah! You journalists are going to have easy work soon! All you will have to do is relay the official party spin to the people, which of course is what many of you are already doing, and if you don't it means a trip to the alter and I'm not talking about weddings either! So you should know all of the leaks and speeches on this matter were especially crafted so that he can trick all of his critics, and whoever else he can get, into committing defamatory libel! That means slander! More over this also happens to be where all of the talk about Hillary being a lesbian has come from! You all remember the false story on General Motors and the exploding gas tanks and how GM won in the courts don't you? So not only can he discredit his critics, including comedians and oh yes the press, but can totally silence them with libel lawsuits thus enabling him to establish his insidious plot to seize an imperial presidency without opposition!!!
The Ken Starr report everybody is talking about now is a fake and the White House will say so when it suits their purpose. The cigar story and oral anal sex. Be real! These guys are like school boys in a dorm thinking this stuff up! Did any of you notice Clinton's speech to the press on either September 23 or 24, I can't remember which? Clinton said out of the blue "It can't be an accident anymore." To Clinton being elected by the vote is an accident!!!!! If you watch him he lets these things slip sometimes!
He intends to use his new found popularity and control over congress to ironclad his immunity then use the power of the federal government to CRUSH his adversaries no matter who they are!!! Certainly you remember all of the arguments as to whether Clinton has a right to private counsel with federal lawyers! If any of you has faced the environmental protection agency then you'll know what kind of oppression is in store for you! One by one, anybody who is anything in America if falling into his clutches one way or another! Your only chance is to unite and take him down and soon because its to the point its a race against time because he'll soon have his power consolidated! This must be done with the people because many judges and other officials have already fallen into his grasp!!! This is how coups perpetuate themselves! Once one is corrupted he can't go back and face the consequences so they fight to save their rear ends! This situation is approaching critical mass and something must be done now!
Well anyway Clinton's power is not cemented yet and he still needs the votes from congress to accomplish his goal that being to get a constitutional amendment overturning the amendment limiting a president to 2 terms! He wants to make it certain with democratic votes because the republicans are a wild card in this. Now we come to the reason for all of those FBI files that are so he could dig up dirt on his enemies! This is the reason the republicans have been neutered in their leadership but he's not certain how many of them he has in his hands! But between the two he has the votes to realize his plans!!!!! "If I'm going down, I'll take everyone else with me." Wake up America!!! You are in the midst of your first coup attempt and the junta is in the White House even now!!! If their ever was an illustration as to why character counts, this is it! God's eyes are everywhere and they see everything.
So Rush what's it going to be? You know if it hadn't been for God, Clinton would have surely destroyed you in this matter. You probably don't want to know this but you should know that the FBI file problem is so serious a blackmail threat that Mr. Newt and some other republicans intend to "confess" to trying to destroy Clinton in a underhanded manner just to save their rear ends! What I mean by this is because Clinton wants a token republican party so as to keep up appearances with the people! Clinton intends for this to be a silent coup! The people will see the unlimited terms for presidents amendment and other things and will grumble about it being the same old congress and after seeing the "doctored" government polls will do nothing about it! The fact of the matter is he'll have an iron grip on congress and they'll do like they're told!
Oh and let's not forget the bribery that's going on! Have many of you noticed how many in congress and Washington aren't paying their taxes these days! What a novel payoff scheme! Just forget their tax liabilities! And if any should forget what it's all for then just threaten to prosecute them! That keeps in line! That's the same method used by animal trainers!
What is more, this situation is still even more apocalyptic! Some of those FBI files are on the military's top brass! This is how he's gaining control of them! This is the real truth behind Admiral Bourdha's suicide!!!! Now Rush, many junior officers take their oath of loyalty to uphold and defend the constitution very seriously! You know what this could mean!!!! This situation could quickly become deadly serious once the military becomes fully aware of what is happening!!!! If you think Russia is in bad shape now you just wait! The third world is going to get another superpower thanks to Bill and Hillary Clinton!
(Their was panic within the Clinton administration and fearing a military coup he destroyed America's bomb arsenal in the Balkins campaign excuse and any other way he could and refused to acquire more. Many who pay attention will recall America's critical military situation at the time and how President Bush had to rebuild it. Their was also panic because Clinton was losing control of the impeachment process so he tried everything to distract it. Include bombings in the Middle East that created enough anger to eventually lead to 9-11.)
You tell me! Just how many careers has Clinton ruthlessly destroyed in his pursuit of power?! Do you remember the reporter that asked Clinton about some kind of race relations thing Clinton has going if to whether it was legitimate or something and Clinton attacked the reporter demanding to know who his source was and a few days later he was fired? Just look at the ferocity in which Clinton attacks anyone with when he's crossed! He's so totally obsessed with power to the point he's drunk with it! Has any previous president jet setted around the world in air force 1 the way he does? America will be HIS utopia! What about all of the times all of the democrats were giving the same "canned" response to the media over a controversy! He'll even go so far as to "fix" elections to keep congress like he wants it! I suppose you do remember the talk about just guessing on the census and how you thought it was a crooked way to get more democrats in congress! Open your eyes Rush! Can't you see the signs!!!
All of the trial balloons you've been hearing are meant to "prepare" the people for what is going to happen! Clinton is a cunning master psychologist which is what makes him such a good politician! Have you noticed how scandal after scandal comes out about the administration with calls for independent councils but then nothing ever happens? Clinton himself is orchestrating all of this diabolical activity as part of the psychology of his master plot! The purpose of it all is to create a feeling of helplessness in any that would oppose him so as to have a minimum of backlash when he consummates his scheme!
Now are you people ready to learn the more insidious nature of Craig Livingstone's and his whores' purpose? Livingstone was under direct orders from Clinton, to be sure that he obtained whores who had AIDS, so that he might infect as many senators and congressmen as possible with HIV, so that it would create a national emergency to facilitate his rise to permanent power!! Furthermore in order to assure this doesn't come back on him, he's been working behind the scenes to legalize prostitution!
Rush. You're going to get Clinton style government mandated health care now!!! Are you ready for Gore's SUV police?! America is on the brink of becoming an Al Gore "paradise" and its up to you to stop it!!!!! You have documented some attempts to get you that Clinton has made in the past so it should be quite clear to you that it would be in your best interest to see to it that this document becomes widely known. Just ask yourself, what is Clinton not capable of doing? You always say that anybody can say anything on the phone and the internet but yet you take anonymous, from the White House no doubt, leaks as gospel. They know that you and the rest of their adversaries have been salivating for a scandal like tailgate to bring Clinton down and they have been feeding the fire and laughing and if you don't act quickly they will outflank you and the whiplash will be bad!
What you need to do is at least read the things I specify here on your radio program and then what ever else you may choose. You know the White House listens. You also may want to know that when he hears all this he will go insane! That right! He will become the American Caligula which was the mad Roman emperor! PLAY TAXULA STUFF IN BACKGROUND Then to finish it off with a touch of finesse play some of those count taxula skits you have and don't forget that beetle song by that Clinton imitator. You know the one you always say was found hid away in a vault on Abbey Road. The words start out like "You closed your eyes, I was elected. Guess what. Your not protected. Now all my schemes will come true". Ditto. Then you will have a new president.
When this happens I expect their to be quite a public demand for this document so keep it. I'm putting it into the public domain so if you want to put it in your newsletter you may do so. But anyone who alters the message in this will have a great curse befall them and will not escape. This all reminds me about how the American liberals always raised such a snit over the possibility of a conservative Christian controlling the nuclear button. So look what they chose instead. If you want to hear somebody else sum the situation up for you then go to your archives on august 24, 1998 and listen to the last 15 minutes or so of your program to the golf caller and then listen to the bump you played on the very last segment that day.
When Rush saw this he panicked and did a little screaming on the air then took to drugs and never did anything. To this day he is still in a state of emotional denial. Here the man, who claims to have talent on loan from God, turned coward. Sure he supports the troops as long as it isn't him but when it came time for him to take a risk for America he took the safe route and did nothing.
A final note of warning. This post contains information concerning an actual criminal event. If you block, restrict, impede and/or otherwise interfere with the flow of this information in any way then you are breaking the law. This is even more true if you are a government official using the power of your office in a partisan way
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Communication Protocol Software Technology.
Electronic communications form an important part of any advanced society. Mescitadel Think Tank, of course, will have the very best. Such as wired intra-net networks and wireless communications for both personnel and droids. And naturally all realize that reliability of such communications are vital for its usefulness.
Their is more to such communications than just your hard wire interface. The communication protocol employed is what actually determines the transaction performance especially under adverse conditions and the communication environment generally is adverse to one degree or another. Adverse conditions usually force retransmissions to occur and these can rapidly dissipate performance goals and how much so depends primarily on the selected communication protocol.
I encountered these problems front and center when I interfaced my lab node real world interface, based on the 8051 microcontroller, to my PC using the built in UARTs provided in the hardware. I found that some commonly used protocols just weren't adequate for the electrically noisy conditions that it is required to work in. The excessive error rates made the communications vary from too snail slow to impossible.
This is when I developed my new NiComm communication protocol. Absolutely the best you can find anywhere in the world. Bulletproof reliability where you would usually find none. NiComm is excellent in its ability to maximize the communication rate no matter the conditions. This is a technology that will be used extensively in Mescitadel Think Tank communications.
The device I used for this development I call my lab node and it is based on the 8051F120 MCU. It is an in-expensive development kit that can be connected to a PC and includes programming software and such however it does take knowledgeable skill to work it. It is an impressive device for real world interfacing and has all types of D/A and A/D and timers and such and in my opinion it is the best commercially available chip of this type. An excellent choice to connect to a PC as a slave device to give the PC real world interface capability so as to control a wide spectrum of processi.
The documentation is adequate and it is programmed through a JTAG interface and it includes a USB interface. Everything you need to work with it. However I am disappointed about a couple of things with this device. I would prefer it was 16 bit instead of 8 bit and the programming software that came with it had a rather small size restriction however an industrious and determined programmer can work around these handycaps or you can buy software that has no restriction but that can get expensive.
It has several communication options such as RS-232 and if you're really determined you could wire in Bluetooth and Zigbee. But the communication ports of this device is straight hardware and you have to do everything from hardware configuration to software drivers.
The term NiComm is the property of Mescitadel Think Tank. This is an information release describing the progress of the development of a technology vital for the construction and operation of communication systems.
Their is more to such communications than just your hard wire interface. The communication protocol employed is what actually determines the transaction performance especially under adverse conditions and the communication environment generally is adverse to one degree or another. Adverse conditions usually force retransmissions to occur and these can rapidly dissipate performance goals and how much so depends primarily on the selected communication protocol.
I encountered these problems front and center when I interfaced my lab node real world interface, based on the 8051 microcontroller, to my PC using the built in UARTs provided in the hardware. I found that some commonly used protocols just weren't adequate for the electrically noisy conditions that it is required to work in. The excessive error rates made the communications vary from too snail slow to impossible.
This is when I developed my new NiComm communication protocol. Absolutely the best you can find anywhere in the world. Bulletproof reliability where you would usually find none. NiComm is excellent in its ability to maximize the communication rate no matter the conditions. This is a technology that will be used extensively in Mescitadel Think Tank communications.
The device I used for this development I call my lab node and it is based on the 8051F120 MCU. It is an in-expensive development kit that can be connected to a PC and includes programming software and such however it does take knowledgeable skill to work it. It is an impressive device for real world interfacing and has all types of D/A and A/D and timers and such and in my opinion it is the best commercially available chip of this type. An excellent choice to connect to a PC as a slave device to give the PC real world interface capability so as to control a wide spectrum of processi.
The documentation is adequate and it is programmed through a JTAG interface and it includes a USB interface. Everything you need to work with it. However I am disappointed about a couple of things with this device. I would prefer it was 16 bit instead of 8 bit and the programming software that came with it had a rather small size restriction however an industrious and determined programmer can work around these handycaps or you can buy software that has no restriction but that can get expensive.
It has several communication options such as RS-232 and if you're really determined you could wire in Bluetooth and Zigbee. But the communication ports of this device is straight hardware and you have to do everything from hardware configuration to software drivers.
The term NiComm is the property of Mescitadel Think Tank. This is an information release describing the progress of the development of a technology vital for the construction and operation of communication systems.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Gizmo Technology Center.
The term "Atlantis" is depricated.
Yes Atlantis Technology Center is what I call the building in which I do all of my research. And this is something I have much ambition in that I want to improve it. Anyone who sees it now knowing what goes on within might wonder if it is like something in a James Bond movie, you know like it looks like a dump on the outside but within it is an impressive facility. Not quite.
In case you're unaware Atlantis is meant to be a place for Messians to live in peaceful existence in the midst of a regressing world.
Actually I do have every intention of constructing an impressive high tech facility for doing most of my Atlantis research and engineering within. And I did say construct because I want to use it as a proving structure for high tech construction technology that I research on. This of course will include a wide variety of man made materials that are far more resilient and fire proof than the usual materials that you would find in a large structure. Of course with a structure such as Atlantis would you expect to find any different?
Of course their is the problem of location and this could actually be anywhere in the world. It just needs to be a place where the work can get done. However I do admit that relocating now sounds good but readiness/finance issues and physical health problems make this option unattractive at the moment.
Then their is the issue of seclusion and privacy. It is my every intention to become totally hidden but considering the size of Atlantis just how long that can be done will remain to be seen. Never the less I'll not rule out the possibility that Atlantis will not be built on the Earth at all.
Developing these technologies is going to take a long time and actual construction will not begin until everything is in readiness. This being so the actual construction of Atlantis should progress relatively quickly. However today's research is centered around fundamental microcircuit construction technologies and software. Technology that is recognized around the world as legitimate and desirable.
God told me that I have a long walk ahead of me. I'm hoping to begin the actual construction of Atlantis by the year 2030. And yes if you are asking I will live long enough.
Yes Atlantis Technology Center is what I call the building in which I do all of my research. And this is something I have much ambition in that I want to improve it. Anyone who sees it now knowing what goes on within might wonder if it is like something in a James Bond movie, you know like it looks like a dump on the outside but within it is an impressive facility. Not quite.
In case you're unaware Atlantis is meant to be a place for Messians to live in peaceful existence in the midst of a regressing world.
Actually I do have every intention of constructing an impressive high tech facility for doing most of my Atlantis research and engineering within. And I did say construct because I want to use it as a proving structure for high tech construction technology that I research on. This of course will include a wide variety of man made materials that are far more resilient and fire proof than the usual materials that you would find in a large structure. Of course with a structure such as Atlantis would you expect to find any different?
Of course their is the problem of location and this could actually be anywhere in the world. It just needs to be a place where the work can get done. However I do admit that relocating now sounds good but readiness/finance issues and physical health problems make this option unattractive at the moment.
Then their is the issue of seclusion and privacy. It is my every intention to become totally hidden but considering the size of Atlantis just how long that can be done will remain to be seen. Never the less I'll not rule out the possibility that Atlantis will not be built on the Earth at all.
Developing these technologies is going to take a long time and actual construction will not begin until everything is in readiness. This being so the actual construction of Atlantis should progress relatively quickly. However today's research is centered around fundamental microcircuit construction technologies and software. Technology that is recognized around the world as legitimate and desirable.
God told me that I have a long walk ahead of me. I'm hoping to begin the actual construction of Atlantis by the year 2030. And yes if you are asking I will live long enough.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Universal Document Software.
Universal Document (.udoc) is a software concept I originally programmed for use in my Code Toolbox G@ software development platform. It actually is quite simple in construction in that it is actually two documents in one. It is a full function bitmap used as a background and has a full word processor that overlays text in any way over the bitmap background. The two are combined into one file in which a suitable compression scheme is employed for file storage. Magazine quality documents can easily be made with it.
The original purpose of it was the capability to program things such as dialog boxes and have all the image bitmaps right with the code all in the same document. This makes importing and exporting code to different projects a snap being a simple thing to move one single udoc file around instead of the more cumbersome methods typical in programming systems today. How it all got started is from my @on microprocessor concept and how it has a unique instruction set requiring that I write all the programming software for it.
It also uses what I call a black character concept which is useful in program editing. A typical udoc screen background that is blank is usually gray so that editing characters such as return and tab show up as black characters making them easy to see, or avoid, for select, cut and drag operations. Also other colors show up best on a gray background it being the best for enhancing any other color. Foreground characters are normally yellow or green which are colors chosen because of their minimal effects on eyestrain as compared to the tortuous effect on the eyes that a glaring white background and antiquated raster scan video technology can cause.
It contains all of the usual drawing tools and any3bytepicture.bmp can be imported. Furthermore I continue to add tools to facilitate and expedite the production of drawings for inclusion into the vCAD engineering software currently under development. Many such engineering jobs require a unique set of drawing tools tailored to specific requirements and this is met most suitably with the O3S dockable software/tool system.
I'm currently enhancing my Code Toolbox code and my .udoc code so that they will work with my new .box file concept along with enhancements to bring it up to date and compliant with O3S file format requirements along with sundry software reconfiguration and efficiency improvements. Box is an archive type file that I decided would be very useful for combining project files and code libraries and any other groups of like subject data into a single file which has advantages for certain uses. It is easier to keep track of one file instead of dozens of files scattered all over the place. The .box file will be implemented directly into the O3S Media Peruser function. The O3S box archive file system is very flexible and I even intend to use it to store O3S compatible vax multimedia files.
O3S means Object Oriented Operating System and it is being developed by Mescitadel Think Tank and it will become the standard of operating systems like no other. Simple. Reliable. Effective. More than any other out there and believe you me, this I know from experience. O3S treats file and intra-net security very seriously and will eventually make a big difference.
The original purpose of it was the capability to program things such as dialog boxes and have all the image bitmaps right with the code all in the same document. This makes importing and exporting code to different projects a snap being a simple thing to move one single udoc file around instead of the more cumbersome methods typical in programming systems today. How it all got started is from my @on microprocessor concept and how it has a unique instruction set requiring that I write all the programming software for it.
It also uses what I call a black character concept which is useful in program editing. A typical udoc screen background that is blank is usually gray so that editing characters such as return and tab show up as black characters making them easy to see, or avoid, for select, cut and drag operations. Also other colors show up best on a gray background it being the best for enhancing any other color. Foreground characters are normally yellow or green which are colors chosen because of their minimal effects on eyestrain as compared to the tortuous effect on the eyes that a glaring white background and antiquated raster scan video technology can cause.
It contains all of the usual drawing tools and any3bytepicture.bmp can be imported. Furthermore I continue to add tools to facilitate and expedite the production of drawings for inclusion into the vCAD engineering software currently under development. Many such engineering jobs require a unique set of drawing tools tailored to specific requirements and this is met most suitably with the O3S dockable software/tool system.
I'm currently enhancing my Code Toolbox code and my .udoc code so that they will work with my new .box file concept along with enhancements to bring it up to date and compliant with O3S file format requirements along with sundry software reconfiguration and efficiency improvements. Box is an archive type file that I decided would be very useful for combining project files and code libraries and any other groups of like subject data into a single file which has advantages for certain uses. It is easier to keep track of one file instead of dozens of files scattered all over the place. The .box file will be implemented directly into the O3S Media Peruser function. The O3S box archive file system is very flexible and I even intend to use it to store O3S compatible vax multimedia files.
O3S means Object Oriented Operating System and it is being developed by Mescitadel Think Tank and it will become the standard of operating systems like no other. Simple. Reliable. Effective. More than any other out there and believe you me, this I know from experience. O3S treats file and intra-net security very seriously and will eventually make a big difference.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Quanto And Fhex The New Microprocessor Standard.
Computers and decimal numbers. Working on the Quanto processor has put a problem to the forefront for me to solve. A problem that usually only computer design engineers see. This may shock many of you but the fact is binary computers are actually very clumsy with decimal base radix 10 numbers.
As many of you know, or should know, in decimal division by 10 always produces an exact result but if you do the same thing in binary you'll get an infinity result and not the exact answer! Speaking from personal experience this has always been a very annoying problem.
Computer manufactures also aware of this anomaly invented the floating point math co-processor complete with complex corrector ROM so that correct decimal 10 results will be produced. The problem is this correcting only occurs, as seen with my own experience, to 2 decimal positions. Just right to keep the dollars and change correct but scientific calculations are still left floating in the infinities.
These corrector ROMs add significantly to die complexity of course but another thing is that in order to save on complexity, manufacturers use arithmetic logic units ALUs that are simplified but require sometimes hundreds of clock cycles to complete a single multiply or divide operation. All of this stems from the fact that the native number system of the computer is radix 16 not radix 10 so if you can't beat them then join them! Thus the Quanto solution!
So my package solution to the problem is as follows. The first thing I've done is to expand the hexadecimal number system into a full floating point system, with exponents, that I call fhex. A computer being fully adept to this system can do so with near perfect precision with only some modifications to the integer ALU and with Quanto this will eventually include the ability to perform multiply and divide in a single clock cycle. Thus the math co-processor can be eliminated entirely. What this means is that a computer based on fhex will run rings around a computer using radix 10 floating point even if the fhex system is on a slower clock cycle!
But their is still more to my ultimate solution. What I'm doing is defining an entirely new system of mass and measurement with the simplicity of the metric system yet it is entirely radix 16 and I call it the Fhex Metri System. All of this will be used in building the citadel. So will the outside ever adapt this system? I doubt it because the money people will hate it. It's radix 16 not radix 10!
Another technology that I desire to develop is an entirely new video technology. This is an entirely new hardware configuration in where video memory is directly mapped to display pixels in a way where the antiquated raster scan technology commonly used today can be eliminated. Raster scan technology, for those of you who don't know it, was invented in the ancient television days and was used because the CRT phosphors would only stay lighted for a fraction of a second therefore it was required that the screen be constantly redrawn at a rate of 60 times a second although modern computer systems can support a faster scan rate than this. The problem is that this produces a stroboscopic effect that can cause significant eye strain. It's an effect that I've always hated.
Quanto and O3S and G@ will not only be different. They will be the best.
Quanto, @on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.
As many of you know, or should know, in decimal division by 10 always produces an exact result but if you do the same thing in binary you'll get an infinity result and not the exact answer! Speaking from personal experience this has always been a very annoying problem.
Computer manufactures also aware of this anomaly invented the floating point math co-processor complete with complex corrector ROM so that correct decimal 10 results will be produced. The problem is this correcting only occurs, as seen with my own experience, to 2 decimal positions. Just right to keep the dollars and change correct but scientific calculations are still left floating in the infinities.
These corrector ROMs add significantly to die complexity of course but another thing is that in order to save on complexity, manufacturers use arithmetic logic units ALUs that are simplified but require sometimes hundreds of clock cycles to complete a single multiply or divide operation. All of this stems from the fact that the native number system of the computer is radix 16 not radix 10 so if you can't beat them then join them! Thus the Quanto solution!
So my package solution to the problem is as follows. The first thing I've done is to expand the hexadecimal number system into a full floating point system, with exponents, that I call fhex. A computer being fully adept to this system can do so with near perfect precision with only some modifications to the integer ALU and with Quanto this will eventually include the ability to perform multiply and divide in a single clock cycle. Thus the math co-processor can be eliminated entirely. What this means is that a computer based on fhex will run rings around a computer using radix 10 floating point even if the fhex system is on a slower clock cycle!
But their is still more to my ultimate solution. What I'm doing is defining an entirely new system of mass and measurement with the simplicity of the metric system yet it is entirely radix 16 and I call it the Fhex Metri System. All of this will be used in building the citadel. So will the outside ever adapt this system? I doubt it because the money people will hate it. It's radix 16 not radix 10!
Another technology that I desire to develop is an entirely new video technology. This is an entirely new hardware configuration in where video memory is directly mapped to display pixels in a way where the antiquated raster scan technology commonly used today can be eliminated. Raster scan technology, for those of you who don't know it, was invented in the ancient television days and was used because the CRT phosphors would only stay lighted for a fraction of a second therefore it was required that the screen be constantly redrawn at a rate of 60 times a second although modern computer systems can support a faster scan rate than this. The problem is that this produces a stroboscopic effect that can cause significant eye strain. It's an effect that I've always hated.
Quanto and O3S and G@ will not only be different. They will be the best.
Quanto, @on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Bugs In The Food.
Have you ever thought much about it? How many bugs you eat in a given
week. I know. I know. You don't like to think about it. Like the times
you open up that bag of getting a little old, flour and find it
crawlin' (now listen to the girls scream) or how many bugs are in that
bag of corn chips you like so much. But the fact is, you eat 'em,
especially if you don't take the time to examine what you eat like when
you're in front of the tube, hypnotized.
I live in an agricultural area. This knowledge is a fact of life around here. Stuff that looks like it ain't fit to sell on the shelf or in a basket usually ends up processed into something like ketchup for example. The home for second rate tomatoes.
This points out a problem with food labels. They never tell what the grasshopper content of your chips are and even more importantly how fattening they are. The last time I found an opportunity to tell a guy that he stopped chewin' and dazed off. It was fun. And do I eat em'. Not if I can help it!
Here's a food horror story for you to digest. It was in a true biography about a couple who sailed their boat to Mexico sometime in the 1970's. They went to the meat market and found them spraying Raid on the meat to keep the flies off of it. The couple decided to catch their own fish from then on.
I live in an agricultural area. This knowledge is a fact of life around here. Stuff that looks like it ain't fit to sell on the shelf or in a basket usually ends up processed into something like ketchup for example. The home for second rate tomatoes.
This points out a problem with food labels. They never tell what the grasshopper content of your chips are and even more importantly how fattening they are. The last time I found an opportunity to tell a guy that he stopped chewin' and dazed off. It was fun. And do I eat em'. Not if I can help it!
Here's a food horror story for you to digest. It was in a true biography about a couple who sailed their boat to Mexico sometime in the 1970's. They went to the meat market and found them spraying Raid on the meat to keep the flies off of it. The couple decided to catch their own fish from then on.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Quanto Quantum Microprocessor Technology.
The best type of micro-processor for use in computers and droids has been a fascination of mine for years. Currently available technologies are not satisfactory, in every aspect, for my logical ambitions. Quanto and O3S (Object Oriented Operating System) and O3i! (Object Oriented Operating Intelligence) are being designed together as a unit and contain many new ideas and some are presented here.
Yes the current Mescitadel Think Tank microprocessor project is now officially called 'Quanto'. The @on project has been dropped and merged into a superior project technology. It is my intension to make Quanto the worlds first functioning quantum processor. Significant advances in architecture have been made and I am very enthused by the results. Even now I'm tooling up for research into this area and I'm preparing the advances that will be required in my vCAD software.
As some may know researchers in the field regard the quantum processor as the ultimate in computer execution science having the potential to be an order of magnitude faster than any current processor concept. A quantum processor is known solely for the electrical physics of its operation. A significant variety of descriptions exist being the fact that it is said that nobody really knows how to build a quantum processor. But this is about to change seeing how I have devised a workable quantum processor concept.
The typical Quanto processor will contain multiple cores with cache and will support multitasking and sundry proprietary security features. Each core will have 10 ($16) general registers, some have a specific purpose and the rest are general purpose, and an ALU that supports the fhex number system however radix 10 numbers will require the support of a software emulator. The registers themselves are sized by opcodes according to needs.
It's instruction set is redesigned to be logically improved. The usual addressing modes will be supported along with these 2 extra types. It will support both BP(base pointer) and IP(instruction pointer) indirect with index. It will also have specialized cache control loop instructions.
As to the requirement of O3S it will support floating memory segmentation and access restriction logical protocols and a register will serve as BP. The memory model itself will be flat. Eventually the data/prefetch memory buss itself will be an impressive 400 ($1024) bits wide! Or in other words 80 ($128) bytes wide! The reason why is because memory buss contention sets a practical limit as to how many cores can share it. This helps to alleviate this problem. Also this means that video rendering speeds will be very impressive. Fast enough for artificial intelligence recognition protocols. However it is my intention to make the first implementations of the device like a 10($16) bit MCU with real world interface capability such as a A/D and D/A converter and other useful functions.
As you can probably surmise Quanto will be a computer system on a chip. It is designed to boot O3S and O3i! from internal ROM for security reasons. O3S implementations will support typical PC style application development methods of course. G@ is my new programming language especially made for this use and is a more logical solution to application programming.
In addition their are two new concepts that I intend to employ in the Quanto processor. First I'm developing the theoretical basis for an entirely new digital switching device that I call a Logister. This is a new concept quantum gate electronic device that I intend to use as a replacement for the transistor in all of my digital designs because of its superior performance characteristics. According to my calculations Quanto should achieve a clock frequency greater than 100 GHz and it will not require the use of cooling fans.
And also in the chip manufacturing industry you'll here of them speak of the limits of small they can achieve and they explain it as the physics of the transistor no longer hold at that small of a size and it no longer functions properly. Sometimes this explanation can vary slightly. The point I'm making is this. I have discovered what is happening and I have the solution for it. The logister will come into the new frontier of small and when I say this I mean quantum computer small. I'm also working on the concept for a new thin film integrated circuit manufacturing technique.
Another device that I'm currently conceptualizing is an entirely new high capacity persistent memory device. It consists of a passive cube in which the surface is covered in micro electronics intended to access the cube in a 3 dimensional manner. It will be a rugged device as opposed to the hard disk drive which although the capacities are quite high, they are simply too fragile for the uses I require.
Their will be two types of boot ROM in Quanto. OTP (1 time programmable) and flash both of which must be programmed by connecting an external JTAG like device. In addition attempting to reprogram an OTP device will destroy it for security reasons. Whether one is surfing the intra-net or has droids one wants to be certain of the loyalty of their machines.
Quanto, @on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of the Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S computer operating system. O3i! (Object Oriented Operating Intelligence) is the primary artificial intelligence project of the Mescitadel Think Tank.
$ denotes a radix 10 number and its absence denotes a fhex radix $16 number.
Yes the current Mescitadel Think Tank microprocessor project is now officially called 'Quanto'. The @on project has been dropped and merged into a superior project technology. It is my intension to make Quanto the worlds first functioning quantum processor. Significant advances in architecture have been made and I am very enthused by the results. Even now I'm tooling up for research into this area and I'm preparing the advances that will be required in my vCAD software.
As some may know researchers in the field regard the quantum processor as the ultimate in computer execution science having the potential to be an order of magnitude faster than any current processor concept. A quantum processor is known solely for the electrical physics of its operation. A significant variety of descriptions exist being the fact that it is said that nobody really knows how to build a quantum processor. But this is about to change seeing how I have devised a workable quantum processor concept.
The typical Quanto processor will contain multiple cores with cache and will support multitasking and sundry proprietary security features. Each core will have 10 ($16) general registers, some have a specific purpose and the rest are general purpose, and an ALU that supports the fhex number system however radix 10 numbers will require the support of a software emulator. The registers themselves are sized by opcodes according to needs.
It's instruction set is redesigned to be logically improved. The usual addressing modes will be supported along with these 2 extra types. It will support both BP(base pointer) and IP(instruction pointer) indirect with index. It will also have specialized cache control loop instructions.
As to the requirement of O3S it will support floating memory segmentation and access restriction logical protocols and a register will serve as BP. The memory model itself will be flat. Eventually the data/prefetch memory buss itself will be an impressive 400 ($1024) bits wide! Or in other words 80 ($128) bytes wide! The reason why is because memory buss contention sets a practical limit as to how many cores can share it. This helps to alleviate this problem. Also this means that video rendering speeds will be very impressive. Fast enough for artificial intelligence recognition protocols. However it is my intention to make the first implementations of the device like a 10($16) bit MCU with real world interface capability such as a A/D and D/A converter and other useful functions.
As you can probably surmise Quanto will be a computer system on a chip. It is designed to boot O3S and O3i! from internal ROM for security reasons. O3S implementations will support typical PC style application development methods of course. G@ is my new programming language especially made for this use and is a more logical solution to application programming.
In addition their are two new concepts that I intend to employ in the Quanto processor. First I'm developing the theoretical basis for an entirely new digital switching device that I call a Logister. This is a new concept quantum gate electronic device that I intend to use as a replacement for the transistor in all of my digital designs because of its superior performance characteristics. According to my calculations Quanto should achieve a clock frequency greater than 100 GHz and it will not require the use of cooling fans.
And also in the chip manufacturing industry you'll here of them speak of the limits of small they can achieve and they explain it as the physics of the transistor no longer hold at that small of a size and it no longer functions properly. Sometimes this explanation can vary slightly. The point I'm making is this. I have discovered what is happening and I have the solution for it. The logister will come into the new frontier of small and when I say this I mean quantum computer small. I'm also working on the concept for a new thin film integrated circuit manufacturing technique.
Another device that I'm currently conceptualizing is an entirely new high capacity persistent memory device. It consists of a passive cube in which the surface is covered in micro electronics intended to access the cube in a 3 dimensional manner. It will be a rugged device as opposed to the hard disk drive which although the capacities are quite high, they are simply too fragile for the uses I require.
Their will be two types of boot ROM in Quanto. OTP (1 time programmable) and flash both of which must be programmed by connecting an external JTAG like device. In addition attempting to reprogram an OTP device will destroy it for security reasons. Whether one is surfing the intra-net or has droids one wants to be certain of the loyalty of their machines.
Quanto, @on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of the Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S computer operating system. O3i! (Object Oriented Operating Intelligence) is the primary artificial intelligence project of the Mescitadel Think Tank.
$ denotes a radix 10 number and its absence denotes a fhex radix $16 number.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
G@ Language and Compiler Software Technology.
G@ is a highly efficient programming language that I've been working on for a long time now. My work in developing the @on micro processor has put forward the requirement that I develop programming software for it and this in turn has driven me to examine general programming software logic.
The first thing I considered of course is the C++ software I'm using now. I acquired this software in 1997 and I admit I still don't know everything about it. Yes I write fully functional software with it yet their is some tricks I still don't know and the reason why is because the documentation is so huge and bewilderingly complex that I just haven't read it all.
This brings up an advantage for G@. In G@ one person can master any imaginable programming job and get it done while this same job would take a team of programmers in another language. Productivity is the word and this will come from having the simplest and most reliable programming experience anywhere. How you might ask? It is called vision and genius.
Originally G@ had its start being very similar to C++ and was meant to be used on the @on processor. But better ideas influenced its evolution to the point that G@ is significantly different from any other programming language out there. I've even changed the visual appearance of windowed software by reengineering the view structure for software such as the multiple document interface. I do feel I have better ideas on such things as anybody else however doing this is a requirement because Microsoft Corporation has patents and copyrights on virtually every aspect of appearance and function of Windows software and they aggressively defend them.
Here are some key G@ points. First I removed the requirement for matching {}'s which can be a source of some very aggravating bugs and replaced it with a more fool proof formating system. I removed the ';' line terminator and replaced it with the requirement that all compile lines begin with '*'. This allowed me to restructure comment tokens since any line without a starting '*' won't be compiled thus it is a comment. The G@ universal document editor can supply '*' formatting in a smart way. Their are other format differences and I'll explain them at a later date.
More importantly however todays multi cored computers demand improved memory efficiency. I accomplished this by reengineering the software logic typical in the use of variables and function calls and virtual pointers. I've even reengineered thread logic for superior performance with the goal of having multiple cores concurrently executing within a single process. I've also reengineered memory heap logic and mass storage methods and their relationship to executables.
In G@ you have greater access to cpu registers and can even define them as variables all towards the superior performance advantage of G@. I have incorporated improved access visibility within a program and such is governed solely by syntax and not a scope restrictive wall. I'm currently improving the language structure in a way that will produce more logical constructs. Their will be functions, function objects and networks of objects that will make program logic logical and maximize execution performance.
@on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.
The first thing I considered of course is the C++ software I'm using now. I acquired this software in 1997 and I admit I still don't know everything about it. Yes I write fully functional software with it yet their is some tricks I still don't know and the reason why is because the documentation is so huge and bewilderingly complex that I just haven't read it all.
This brings up an advantage for G@. In G@ one person can master any imaginable programming job and get it done while this same job would take a team of programmers in another language. Productivity is the word and this will come from having the simplest and most reliable programming experience anywhere. How you might ask? It is called vision and genius.
Originally G@ had its start being very similar to C++ and was meant to be used on the @on processor. But better ideas influenced its evolution to the point that G@ is significantly different from any other programming language out there. I've even changed the visual appearance of windowed software by reengineering the view structure for software such as the multiple document interface. I do feel I have better ideas on such things as anybody else however doing this is a requirement because Microsoft Corporation has patents and copyrights on virtually every aspect of appearance and function of Windows software and they aggressively defend them.
Here are some key G@ points. First I removed the requirement for matching {}'s which can be a source of some very aggravating bugs and replaced it with a more fool proof formating system. I removed the ';' line terminator and replaced it with the requirement that all compile lines begin with '*'. This allowed me to restructure comment tokens since any line without a starting '*' won't be compiled thus it is a comment. The G@ universal document editor can supply '*' formatting in a smart way. Their are other format differences and I'll explain them at a later date.
More importantly however todays multi cored computers demand improved memory efficiency. I accomplished this by reengineering the software logic typical in the use of variables and function calls and virtual pointers. I've even reengineered thread logic for superior performance with the goal of having multiple cores concurrently executing within a single process. I've also reengineered memory heap logic and mass storage methods and their relationship to executables.
In G@ you have greater access to cpu registers and can even define them as variables all towards the superior performance advantage of G@. I have incorporated improved access visibility within a program and such is governed solely by syntax and not a scope restrictive wall. I'm currently improving the language structure in a way that will produce more logical constructs. Their will be functions, function objects and networks of objects that will make program logic logical and maximize execution performance.
@on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
O3S Dock Software Technology.
O3S (Object Oriented Operating System) is the future in computer software and development in this technology is progressing splendidly and it is vital in making the vCAD Micro Lithograph a practical reality. Being object oriented is not entirely unique to O3S since popular OSi on the market take an object oriented approach on the surface. But how it works underneath is where the superiority of O3S begins to show plus the fact that this supports the concept of executable docking.
In O3S the typical application is of the type *run* and I say it this way because O3S does not use .EXTsions in media files and also of note I use media instead of disk to indicate a storage device and the reason why is because a flash device is not a disk. Well anyway their is another type of executable that is of the type *dock* which is not usually a stand alone application because it is intended to add functionality to an application in a modular way. This is the very nature of the object oriented approach to computing.
Here's an example. Take the typical document processor of O3S that uses the universal document interface which is a stand alone application. Universal document is of course a full word processor with a full bitmap background for any type of image containment and when run under Windows it is of the file type .udoc. But in O3S you can take a G@ programming system toolbar and dock it onto the universal document processor and viola! You have a full G@ programming system with compiler and all the tools.
Universal Document under O3S is capable of accepting many such docks and this shows actually how this concept can be used to manage clutter allowing you to detach and remove docks that you aren't using. This is an important point especially for vCAD which is being designed to have many such docks and uses the universal document interface. Such docks can include those for electronics and components. My current research interests center around micro electronics and I expect that to remain so for several years, and I hope to report significant advances over the next year.
It is my intention to make my very first vCAD Micro Lithograph manufacturing project the etching of PC boards for the mounting of electronic components instead of the usual chemical etching process now widely used. Then I intend to concentrate on electronics and the @on processor which I can say will likely consume the next 10 to maybe even 15 years of my development time. I intend to document and publish these as I go.
Yes universal document is the base data container for vCAD because it can contain a 3D object. This is clearly useful because the component and textual descripti are both in a common document. As for the dock object itself it has full access to all the required data fields in document processor. On the software technical side of things when a dock is compiled it has dependencies that must be included from the dock target run executable so that this data can be found. This of course creates a useful security barrier that occurs with the O3S requirement that all executables have an embedded passkey or they will not execute.
Universal Document Processor is a fully functional software system and is updated regularly. I'm currently coding G@ code editing improvements. O3S is currently under development and the process define stage is nearly complete and x86_64 boot loader development has commenced. G@ is also under development and while nearly complete it is going through a structural revision. A newly engineered software object base system that will significantly accelerate the development and completion of software from this time forward, is now fully functional and on-line.
@on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.
In O3S the typical application is of the type *run* and I say it this way because O3S does not use .EXTsions in media files and also of note I use media instead of disk to indicate a storage device and the reason why is because a flash device is not a disk. Well anyway their is another type of executable that is of the type *dock* which is not usually a stand alone application because it is intended to add functionality to an application in a modular way. This is the very nature of the object oriented approach to computing.
Here's an example. Take the typical document processor of O3S that uses the universal document interface which is a stand alone application. Universal document is of course a full word processor with a full bitmap background for any type of image containment and when run under Windows it is of the file type .udoc. But in O3S you can take a G@ programming system toolbar and dock it onto the universal document processor and viola! You have a full G@ programming system with compiler and all the tools.
Universal Document under O3S is capable of accepting many such docks and this shows actually how this concept can be used to manage clutter allowing you to detach and remove docks that you aren't using. This is an important point especially for vCAD which is being designed to have many such docks and uses the universal document interface. Such docks can include those for electronics and components. My current research interests center around micro electronics and I expect that to remain so for several years, and I hope to report significant advances over the next year.
It is my intention to make my very first vCAD Micro Lithograph manufacturing project the etching of PC boards for the mounting of electronic components instead of the usual chemical etching process now widely used. Then I intend to concentrate on electronics and the @on processor which I can say will likely consume the next 10 to maybe even 15 years of my development time. I intend to document and publish these as I go.
Yes universal document is the base data container for vCAD because it can contain a 3D object. This is clearly useful because the component and textual descripti are both in a common document. As for the dock object itself it has full access to all the required data fields in document processor. On the software technical side of things when a dock is compiled it has dependencies that must be included from the dock target run executable so that this data can be found. This of course creates a useful security barrier that occurs with the O3S requirement that all executables have an embedded passkey or they will not execute.
Universal Document Processor is a fully functional software system and is updated regularly. I'm currently coding G@ code editing improvements. O3S is currently under development and the process define stage is nearly complete and x86_64 boot loader development has commenced. G@ is also under development and while nearly complete it is going through a structural revision. A newly engineered software object base system that will significantly accelerate the development and completion of software from this time forward, is now fully functional and on-line.
@on, G@, @3S, @3i! and O3i! are the property of Mescitadel Think Tank and also claims O3S provided none can prove otherwise. What I mean is that the term O3S has been out their for some time but I know of none who actually have a functioning O3S.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Elemental Virtualization Mathematics Technology.
This technology is a cornerstone that will allow for even more complex technologies of identification, both benign and biological, and manufacturing. This is a mathematically pure environment in which the equations are so complex that it takes my pc nearly a minute to do just one. But many such calculations are required therefore it has become necessary to improve coding to allow for thread based parallel processing thus making use of my dual core computer for improved calculation performance.
The results have been most enlightening. I'm making full use of my new fhex numerical system creation and the results are truly eye opening. However web based character sets are not capable of producing fhex based numerical glyphs thus I am prevented from presenting any of these most fascinating results to you.
The ability to create a virtual environment that accurately reflects real world phenomena is an impressive feat and even more so when the subject matter is so small as to avoid direct observation. My work in this field over the years has made me most expert and moreover their is no reward like success. Any technology or science purist will find this work most fascinating.
Of course the ability to represent real world data in a 3 dimensional virtual way is a tremendous asset whether your objective is physics research or design and manufacturing. This is a genuine virtual laboratory. This is a concept that can greatly improve one's productivity in any applicable endeavor. The ultimate objective is the ability to go straight from virtual representation to finished product with a minimum of human intervention. This is the definition of replicator technology and the ability to make premiere digital technology is the utopia that technology purists such as I desire to achieve.
It is mandatory however when performing such virtualization work to have a fast computer with large amounts of RAM because 3 D virtual representations can use vast quantities of memory unless it is compressed then you need a fast processor to deal with the vast quantities of calculations with moving to and from the compressed state. It is this type of technological requirement that can continue to drive computer development.
Keep in touch to see even more enlightening work. I have slated the construction of a miniature vacuum jar some time in the near future. I intend to use it for micro circuit development work. A micro lithograph is a device that in this case will employ vCAD (Virtual Computer Assisted Development) software technology and surface topography scan functions in the construction of the most advanced of computer chips. An micro lithograph is an established technology that is capable of working at the limits of small better than any other known technology.
vCAD is the intellectual property of Mescitadel Think Tank.
The results have been most enlightening. I'm making full use of my new fhex numerical system creation and the results are truly eye opening. However web based character sets are not capable of producing fhex based numerical glyphs thus I am prevented from presenting any of these most fascinating results to you.
The ability to create a virtual environment that accurately reflects real world phenomena is an impressive feat and even more so when the subject matter is so small as to avoid direct observation. My work in this field over the years has made me most expert and moreover their is no reward like success. Any technology or science purist will find this work most fascinating.
Of course the ability to represent real world data in a 3 dimensional virtual way is a tremendous asset whether your objective is physics research or design and manufacturing. This is a genuine virtual laboratory. This is a concept that can greatly improve one's productivity in any applicable endeavor. The ultimate objective is the ability to go straight from virtual representation to finished product with a minimum of human intervention. This is the definition of replicator technology and the ability to make premiere digital technology is the utopia that technology purists such as I desire to achieve.
It is mandatory however when performing such virtualization work to have a fast computer with large amounts of RAM because 3 D virtual representations can use vast quantities of memory unless it is compressed then you need a fast processor to deal with the vast quantities of calculations with moving to and from the compressed state. It is this type of technological requirement that can continue to drive computer development.
Keep in touch to see even more enlightening work. I have slated the construction of a miniature vacuum jar some time in the near future. I intend to use it for micro circuit development work. A micro lithograph is a device that in this case will employ vCAD (Virtual Computer Assisted Development) software technology and surface topography scan functions in the construction of the most advanced of computer chips. An micro lithograph is an established technology that is capable of working at the limits of small better than any other known technology.
vCAD is the intellectual property of Mescitadel Think Tank.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Times Of Jesus And Paul The 13th Apostle.
To understand my works about the Apostle Paul first you must understand the times in which he lived. The teachings of Jesus centered around the one Hebrew God and loyalty to him alone with his laws of self control while the Roman Empire taught religious tolerance having a multitude of Gods with names like Apollo and Mercury and so forth, none of which are taken seriously anymore.
Yes they were tolerant to any religious belief except the God of Jesus because the God of Jesus was not tolerant to any of the Roman Gods. Their was little in the way of laws of self control in Rome and even sexual deviancy of the straight and homosexual variety was a form of worship to some of their Idols.
AC 18:14 Just as Paul was about to speak, Gallio said to the Jews, "If you Jews were making a complaint about some misdemeanor or serious crime, it would be reasonable for me to listen to you. [15] But since it involves questions about words and names and your own law--settle the matter yourselves. I will not be a judge of such things."
When Rome conquered Israel they had a unique difficulty to overcome. This difficulty centered around the fact that the Jews believed their God was the King and would never submit to the domination of a heathen government. So in order to avoid endless rebellion and insurrection, Rome allowed the Jews to have religious autonomy and settled on satisfying themselves with the taxes they collected.
This situation became much more intriguing with the coming of Jesus because his followers were the same way and more yet were determined to spread their doctrine throughout all the known world. These were the two religious factions of the day and neither got along well with the other side. This often resulted in face slapping and duels to the death in the streets. Moreover the followers of Jesus were separatists wanting nothing to do with those who refused their beliefs. Although they were not engaged in any plot against Rome they were looked at as a rebellion because Rome was falling apart.
Rome was a Republic to about the times of Jesus but was turning more and more to the emperors as a means of silencing the voices of the disciples of Jesus. Rome became desperate to destroy the philosophy of Jesus and began to inflict extreme tyranny on his followers by often times killing any who professed his views, or gang raping them to pollute them within their religion. This was often driven by the rage of envy and I explain this and the second chancer at this web site from time to time.
But this also included some very clever propaganda friendly to Rome and written in a way to shift peoples beliefs in a way they didn't readily perceive. This propaganda was often a populist message that played on peoples fears and desires for peace and the desire to have a conscience free of conviction.
Thus I have presented my indictment of the Apostle Paul in a series of posts. Given the chance I can prove my point.
Yes they were tolerant to any religious belief except the God of Jesus because the God of Jesus was not tolerant to any of the Roman Gods. Their was little in the way of laws of self control in Rome and even sexual deviancy of the straight and homosexual variety was a form of worship to some of their Idols.
AC 18:14 Just as Paul was about to speak, Gallio said to the Jews, "If you Jews were making a complaint about some misdemeanor or serious crime, it would be reasonable for me to listen to you. [15] But since it involves questions about words and names and your own law--settle the matter yourselves. I will not be a judge of such things."
When Rome conquered Israel they had a unique difficulty to overcome. This difficulty centered around the fact that the Jews believed their God was the King and would never submit to the domination of a heathen government. So in order to avoid endless rebellion and insurrection, Rome allowed the Jews to have religious autonomy and settled on satisfying themselves with the taxes they collected.
This situation became much more intriguing with the coming of Jesus because his followers were the same way and more yet were determined to spread their doctrine throughout all the known world. These were the two religious factions of the day and neither got along well with the other side. This often resulted in face slapping and duels to the death in the streets. Moreover the followers of Jesus were separatists wanting nothing to do with those who refused their beliefs. Although they were not engaged in any plot against Rome they were looked at as a rebellion because Rome was falling apart.
Rome was a Republic to about the times of Jesus but was turning more and more to the emperors as a means of silencing the voices of the disciples of Jesus. Rome became desperate to destroy the philosophy of Jesus and began to inflict extreme tyranny on his followers by often times killing any who professed his views, or gang raping them to pollute them within their religion. This was often driven by the rage of envy and I explain this and the second chancer at this web site from time to time.
But this also included some very clever propaganda friendly to Rome and written in a way to shift peoples beliefs in a way they didn't readily perceive. This propaganda was often a populist message that played on peoples fears and desires for peace and the desire to have a conscience free of conviction.
Thus I have presented my indictment of the Apostle Paul in a series of posts. Given the chance I can prove my point.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Structural Design Technology.
The use of the term 'Atlantis' is now depricated.
This is an investigative approach as to why Atlantis will have the shape it is to have. Truly good technology is planned down to the smallest detail.
First and foremost the shape of the topography (silhouette) of the citadel must be such that correct orientation must be maintained from any view such as would be required by any approaching craft. Secondly triangular, rectangular and polygonal shapes are much easier to construct on a huge scale than round shapes would be and furthermore such would be more likely compatible with geometron construction techniques. Design points are only of scale. Exact dimensions will not be determined until actual construction research begins.
Another aspect to consider is power drive orientation. Visionary designs of today are heavily influenced by man's ocean going traditions. The ship's hull supports the vessel and the propellors push it in a horizontal direction which is of course a right angle as compared to people standing and most visionary space craft are configured in likeness requiring lift and power drive to be two separate units.
This will not be the case for Atlantis and probably not its escorts. Lift and power drive will be one and the same which will heavily influence the shape of these space craft. They will have either a star or oculus shape. Of course aerodynamics is meaningless in space flight because their is no atmosphere which is acceptable because the primary flight orientation of these space craft is not aerodynamic. Meaning in plain English, flat side forward.
It is worthy of note however that force field shielding will always be active during flight and this shielding can be used to alter aerodynamic shape. Even to the point that pods and jumpers will use knife shaped force fields as wings in atmospheric flight however larger craft will utilize physics more similar to helicopter flight. Force field wings can collapse quickly for passage through a stargate while on the other hand fixed wing craft won't fit. Pods themselves are interesting machines in that they are of the simplest construction. Essentially they are cages with thrust drives mounted on them and seats for a small number of passengers but when the force field shielding is activated they become sleek aerodynamic machines capable of supersonic flight with a full periphery of vision.
Now back to the Citadel itself. In consideration of it's intended purpose and use, aerodynamics is only a minor issue however mass distribution is very important. So important that methods to balance the mass will be available. Hull materials that prevent the buildup of barnacles and other aquatic life will be required. Its aesthetic beauty will be maintained and the human desire for a window view of the outside will be accommodated through its varied geometric form. Many such views will be aquarium in aspect and given the nature of fish in the open ocean their will be many in the shadow waters of the city.
For the most part the jetty hull areas will the the location of the variety of manufacturing operations required for life in Atlantis. The corridors of these will have the appearance of a shopping mall. The towering skyscrapers, those of which not devoted to operational control purposes, will be primarily devoted to condominiums and other human living areas. Given the mobility of Atlantis such structures must be solidly constructed. In short their is a sound reason for every aspect of the shape of the citadel. Configuration and management will be typical as you would see in a high rise building. First you obtain a large enough empty space then the deck manager helps to locate, record and install walls in the desired position.
I intend that the citadel also have a very tall central spire and it may very well be a 'cloud scraper'. Also in consideration is a new concept shield device that if you should fall off a tall building your fall will be arrested such that you will survive. This unit is intended to be part of the citadel defence that will not allow any approaching projectile to travel at a high velocity.
The only way such an undertaking as this citadel could ever come to be is for it to be built by droids. First droids make themselves providing the great numbers required then these will make the citadel itself. From a distance the citadel would look like a large object covered with 'insects' crawling all over its surface and up the sides of the high rise buildings. The main construction operations being conducted by large spider like droids called arachnoids which will be about 2 - 4 biycet (5 - 10 meters) tall. These carry about large power units and force field generators for use in molding and heat or energy fusing. Sand packed in boxes is the usual way to make molds but the way of the future is through programmatical force fields. The citadel will be built this way and damage in it healed this way thus providing for what is expected to be a very long life span. Building this citadel will be a science within itself.
Actually it is likely that more than one citadel will be built. These pre finals will of course be mock-ups in order to develop final construction techniques and designs. Many of these constructions will only be partial and they will eventually either be destroyed in tests, scrapped or abandoned. It will be interesting to see a towering high rise in the midst of a desolate rural area will it not? However it is possible that much of this work will be done entirely under sea. As a side note I'm working on the concept of a new personal shield device and a 'gill' like mouth piece breathing device that will turn deep water diving into a completely new bends free experience. Keep the two tied around your neck and you'll never drown, nor be eaten, at sea! I don't doubt that every Atlantian will want one.
Developmental work in the creation of Atlantis is progressing favorably and with pleasing results. How ever this project has a very long lead time. It is hoped that the construction of Atlantis can begin by the year 2030 however 2040 is probably more realistic. The reason why is because this is a visionary work and much technological development remains to be done.
This is an investigative approach as to why Atlantis will have the shape it is to have. Truly good technology is planned down to the smallest detail.
First and foremost the shape of the topography (silhouette) of the citadel must be such that correct orientation must be maintained from any view such as would be required by any approaching craft. Secondly triangular, rectangular and polygonal shapes are much easier to construct on a huge scale than round shapes would be and furthermore such would be more likely compatible with geometron construction techniques. Design points are only of scale. Exact dimensions will not be determined until actual construction research begins.
Another aspect to consider is power drive orientation. Visionary designs of today are heavily influenced by man's ocean going traditions. The ship's hull supports the vessel and the propellors push it in a horizontal direction which is of course a right angle as compared to people standing and most visionary space craft are configured in likeness requiring lift and power drive to be two separate units.
This will not be the case for Atlantis and probably not its escorts. Lift and power drive will be one and the same which will heavily influence the shape of these space craft. They will have either a star or oculus shape. Of course aerodynamics is meaningless in space flight because their is no atmosphere which is acceptable because the primary flight orientation of these space craft is not aerodynamic. Meaning in plain English, flat side forward.
It is worthy of note however that force field shielding will always be active during flight and this shielding can be used to alter aerodynamic shape. Even to the point that pods and jumpers will use knife shaped force fields as wings in atmospheric flight however larger craft will utilize physics more similar to helicopter flight. Force field wings can collapse quickly for passage through a stargate while on the other hand fixed wing craft won't fit. Pods themselves are interesting machines in that they are of the simplest construction. Essentially they are cages with thrust drives mounted on them and seats for a small number of passengers but when the force field shielding is activated they become sleek aerodynamic machines capable of supersonic flight with a full periphery of vision.
Now back to the Citadel itself. In consideration of it's intended purpose and use, aerodynamics is only a minor issue however mass distribution is very important. So important that methods to balance the mass will be available. Hull materials that prevent the buildup of barnacles and other aquatic life will be required. Its aesthetic beauty will be maintained and the human desire for a window view of the outside will be accommodated through its varied geometric form. Many such views will be aquarium in aspect and given the nature of fish in the open ocean their will be many in the shadow waters of the city.
For the most part the jetty hull areas will the the location of the variety of manufacturing operations required for life in Atlantis. The corridors of these will have the appearance of a shopping mall. The towering skyscrapers, those of which not devoted to operational control purposes, will be primarily devoted to condominiums and other human living areas. Given the mobility of Atlantis such structures must be solidly constructed. In short their is a sound reason for every aspect of the shape of the citadel. Configuration and management will be typical as you would see in a high rise building. First you obtain a large enough empty space then the deck manager helps to locate, record and install walls in the desired position.
I intend that the citadel also have a very tall central spire and it may very well be a 'cloud scraper'. Also in consideration is a new concept shield device that if you should fall off a tall building your fall will be arrested such that you will survive. This unit is intended to be part of the citadel defence that will not allow any approaching projectile to travel at a high velocity.
The only way such an undertaking as this citadel could ever come to be is for it to be built by droids. First droids make themselves providing the great numbers required then these will make the citadel itself. From a distance the citadel would look like a large object covered with 'insects' crawling all over its surface and up the sides of the high rise buildings. The main construction operations being conducted by large spider like droids called arachnoids which will be about 2 - 4 biycet (5 - 10 meters) tall. These carry about large power units and force field generators for use in molding and heat or energy fusing. Sand packed in boxes is the usual way to make molds but the way of the future is through programmatical force fields. The citadel will be built this way and damage in it healed this way thus providing for what is expected to be a very long life span. Building this citadel will be a science within itself.
Actually it is likely that more than one citadel will be built. These pre finals will of course be mock-ups in order to develop final construction techniques and designs. Many of these constructions will only be partial and they will eventually either be destroyed in tests, scrapped or abandoned. It will be interesting to see a towering high rise in the midst of a desolate rural area will it not? However it is possible that much of this work will be done entirely under sea. As a side note I'm working on the concept of a new personal shield device and a 'gill' like mouth piece breathing device that will turn deep water diving into a completely new bends free experience. Keep the two tied around your neck and you'll never drown, nor be eaten, at sea! I don't doubt that every Atlantian will want one.
Developmental work in the creation of Atlantis is progressing favorably and with pleasing results. How ever this project has a very long lead time. It is hoped that the construction of Atlantis can begin by the year 2030 however 2040 is probably more realistic. The reason why is because this is a visionary work and much technological development remains to be done.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Nature Recycles.
Yes nature recycles. Did you ever stop to think about it? Food is made from matter. Most of this matter is absorbed from the soil by the activities of any kind of living plant but a good deal of it is also absorbed from the air. This has interesting details especially to one who has biological interests in improving the food production process.
Carbon dioxide is absorbed from the air by plants then the carbon is extracted and then oxygen is released. This carbon is then combined with nutrient matter from the soil in a solar powered endothermic process to create carbohydrates. The basic building block of plants and food. A simplified description of a complicated process to be sure.
But this extraction from the soil will eventually deplete it. When this happens then plants can no longer live in it. This condition is usually remedied with fertilizer. Fertilizer is usually made up of dead cellulose and/or defecation by products that of course will break down in the soil into basic plant nutrient matter. Nature recycles. All of this will reenter the process all over again and become food. This has been a scientifically established process for a very long time and some of America's founding fathers contributed to this knowledge.
This may come as a shock but their is no such thing as "virgin" food. You may be eating it but it has been eaten before. This is the way it works and it cannot be changed. If this were not so the Earth's nutrients would have been depleted long ago and all life would have since starved to death. The possibility of crop death from depleted soil is something that farmers are always working to prevent because many have seen it.
Now here is an issue that gets more serious. Many cities dump their sewage into rivers thus into the oceans. This will eventually cause some balance in nature problems. In the extreme this would mean an overly enriched ocean with red tide plagues and an otherwise difficult environment for marine life and also a dead depleted barren landscape unable to support life. This sewage fertilizer should be dumped back on the fields were it belongs but that doesn't always happen. But this is the thing with money/capitalistic systems and that is it always goes with what is cheap and not always with what is best.
Carbon dioxide is absorbed from the air by plants then the carbon is extracted and then oxygen is released. This carbon is then combined with nutrient matter from the soil in a solar powered endothermic process to create carbohydrates. The basic building block of plants and food. A simplified description of a complicated process to be sure.
But this extraction from the soil will eventually deplete it. When this happens then plants can no longer live in it. This condition is usually remedied with fertilizer. Fertilizer is usually made up of dead cellulose and/or defecation by products that of course will break down in the soil into basic plant nutrient matter. Nature recycles. All of this will reenter the process all over again and become food. This has been a scientifically established process for a very long time and some of America's founding fathers contributed to this knowledge.
This may come as a shock but their is no such thing as "virgin" food. You may be eating it but it has been eaten before. This is the way it works and it cannot be changed. If this were not so the Earth's nutrients would have been depleted long ago and all life would have since starved to death. The possibility of crop death from depleted soil is something that farmers are always working to prevent because many have seen it.
Now here is an issue that gets more serious. Many cities dump their sewage into rivers thus into the oceans. This will eventually cause some balance in nature problems. In the extreme this would mean an overly enriched ocean with red tide plagues and an otherwise difficult environment for marine life and also a dead depleted barren landscape unable to support life. This sewage fertilizer should be dumped back on the fields were it belongs but that doesn't always happen. But this is the thing with money/capitalistic systems and that is it always goes with what is cheap and not always with what is best.
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